John Novak - Stormlord (String Orchestra Cover)

Track info
Arranged by:
John Novak Remixer
Original SID:
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Charts position:
34. in the year 2014
1350. in all-time charts
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2 c64 charts March 2014

Nicely done, I find. Very calming. Some parts sound a bit thin and could've used more pressure and "mass". That would have made me give a red one. None the less: Very enjoyable :)
Very nice work, but the phrasing in places is too unnatural for chamber strings, and the lack of variance in repeating notes highlights the limitation of the samples used where better phrasing could have masked it.
Great effort with nice string sounds, the melody itself isn´t so captivating though.
Review by LaLa


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

This is a very admirable effort, I quite like its emotional bend, and how this piece intentionally lives within its self-imposed limits.

What I miss is more dynamicity: I don't feel much difference between the sections that were probably intended to be forte and the softer sections. For example, towards the end at around 4:32 I think it should get louder, more forceful in a crescendo fashion to finish it off with a bang.

Also, this sounds more like a chamber string quartet than a larger string orchestra to me, but now I am really nitpicking. 😊

Great piece of music, thanks for sharing!