Jozef Lahoud - Bulldog
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Jozef Lahoud Adept
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Charts position:
179. in the year 2009
3593. in all-time charts
3593. in all-time charts
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Its ok but has some over compression issues once the bass drum kicks in, its causing volume level problems
Definite volume drops every time a bassdrum sounds as Satanchrist said.
I thought that volume problem was inentional, sounds nice, but gets annoying over time.
Okay, volume drops, dead wrong set pumping master processor - but what a heavy and badass part, man :)
Bass how low can you go? Josef shows us at least a good way of the path. Nice idea with that breakbeat thingy... I like it.
I quite like this, yes there are some levels issues but its still very brooding. I would like to hear something accompany the quick piano bit as well.
Whoa, what a phat bhass! Unfortunately, the rest of it is not too exciting and the pumping compression really kills it for me.
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