Kraku - Tetris part 1

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Kraku Veteran
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Original SID:
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32. in the year 2010
639. in all-time charts
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3 c64 charts June 2010

Wonderfully atmospheric capturing the SID expcetionally well
Long, but not annoyingly repetitive in any way. Nice atmosphere and I'm looking forward to part 2.:)
The sounds are ok but its just so empty and boring.. Thank Satan it wasnt the full 25 minutes
Man that SID is a huge piece of cake, have my respect for taking the challenge. The atmosphere is captured and the flow is great. I like it. Mix/master should improve. I'm curious about Pt2.
Like it! A very hard tune to remix. I am more the untzuntz guy, but this a one of my favourite "feel" tunes
For the drums I wished more variation (for instance from 1:47), but it's a very nice track nevertheless.
Awesome mix, I love it
Very Good! Love the original, glad someone has done it, would've liked harder chord sound like the original KRANG KRANG, K-K-K-rang - part 2 maybe?:)
Thank you for this, I have been waiting for a good remix of this classic tune for a long time. Anybody ever dreamed of tetris, piling blocks in your sleeep? This hypnotic piece accompanied mine.
Good one!
My favorite sond and this remix keeps the original meditative athmosphere. Great!
I agree with jackal & kate z. The drums in original SID were so big hammers and here so small dots but nevertheless: The great atmosphere is here, thanks :)
Very well done. I totally agree with Dortmund who in turn agrees with Kate Z and Jackal. A full point from me for not spoiling the atmosphere of the original.
Very nice listening
Awesome, great atmosphere.
Great stuff! Added to my collection.
Great Job, Kraku.
Never heard this tune, but instantly liked it, which is rare for me.
Great work! I love this remix.
Review by Jackal


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

First off, this is a terribly difficult piece to do any sort of remix… Other than a transcription with enhancements… It's also one of my favorite C64 pieces. Overall an excellent job. I'd definitely not be afraid to go overboard with the percussion in part two, think NIN's Piggy… I did feel that the bass sound that comes in at 3:00 should have been more like a distorted rhythm guitar…
Review by Grigul


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Well, you all maybe have a tune or more where you hear only the first 5 seconds or so and you instantly know what game that is, where you played it in your past, where you've been at that time and so on. This one masterpiece is one of those. It's just requested on a live show on Slay Radio, while I'm writing another review here. I hadn't noticed that the DJ announced thist tune, but after the first seconds it shot through my mind - Tetris… before I looked, if it's really Tetris. Kraku, well done. Great Job.