kRUZe - Sanxion (BZL BreakZ Mix)

Track info
Arranged by:
kRUZe Remixer
Original SID:
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Charts position:
157. in the year 2007
3294. in all-time charts
No, no, no, no, no. This is a perfect example of how not to do Thalamusik from Sanxion. It sounds soulless, lifeless and just full of bad ideas. And wrong notes in parts as well... Noooo!
I think this is a fun take on Thalamusic! However, some wrong notes and horrible mixing makes it hard to listen to. Thumbs up for the idea!
Had it not been for the wrong notes in it, I would have given it a yellow face. I dig the beat!
The style is really GREAT! THe idea as well! It keeps the oldschool spirit in a nice way and sounds like a lot of FUN-mix! But the mixing could have been improved overall! Try it again, pal! That's fresh stuff in opposite to all those *unz*unz*unz*...
Fanboy's aside. Taking this for what it is its a great great little tune, it has a few moments of strange mixing but I can forgive that, good start look forward to hearing more from you kruze
Same as infy above...
Some nice ideas in there (awesome bassline), but the instrument selection is uninspiring, the mixing flat and the arrangement lifeless.
Wicked base, some wrong notes - but a very good for a fresh version of a totally over remixed tune - keep up the work on the mixing though pls
I hate tunes with wrong notes, they hurt in my stomach.
It would have made a orange (mabey even red) face if the sound quality was better. I like the "jamming" and stuff @ 2:08 and 2:50, more of that stuff please!!!
Almost an orange... I don't care shit about a few wrong notes, this has a nice jumpy groove to it, it's fun! ... But a tip: the only thing being in stereo here seem to be the FX themselves, especially in the beginning... Make better use of panning ;O)
Very upbeat, which makes me like it. Sounds good enough for me not to mark it down on that. I just really enjoy hearing it.:)
What cyphax said :)

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