Lagerfeldt - Battle Ships (U-64 Remix)

Track info
Arranged by:
Lagerfeldt Remixer
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Original SID:
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Charts position:
28. in the year 2004
1456. in all-time charts
Too long, boring, a sometimes horrid main lead (when it hits the high notes - bdfgndgndn) and probably Lagers worst tune
It's nice, but a bit of a non-starter really. Nothing really wrong with it it's just forgetful.
Too long, and feels a bit too "flat" even though probably an atempt at a atmospheric track. Lagerfeldt has done, and probably will do, way better stuff than this.
Reminds me of 80s tv series themes. Pretty kewl!
I really didn't feel inspired by this one - it meanders a bit, there's no real excitement, and the lead is not so good. Lagerfeldt has done much better stuff.
Lagerfeldt doing none Darnce? This is what it is and works really well in my ears - agree it's too long though
Das Note
Good job! Brilliant intro, pro-executed, nice choice of sounds. But I disagree with Iman: Reminds me of 70ties soft sex-movie themes.:-)
Cousteau meets submarine meets sailing ambiente. It's good. Not the best of Lagerfeldt's tunes but not so bad either. The non-fitting set of the overall joyfull tune and some sinister soundsamples is a bit confusing here.
This is quite a different Lagerfeldt. I like the submarine FX.
I think lagerfeldt has captured the underwater theme really well, a nice relaxing mix.
Perfect. If I would listen it not knowing it's from remix. Kwed. Org, I would assume it's Kitaro :-) Love it.
Nice atmosphere!
I'm torn between good an very good but there's nothing inbetween. Its very atmospheric and "above average" fits perfectly.
Loved the original SID of this when I had the game. I think this is an excellent rendition, well paced and moody. A fabulous tribute to a fantastic tune.
Very good, if onlyfor the mixing though :) Won't be a fave tune of you though :|
There has been _much_ better from laggerfeldt already!! (-> robocop 3 - remix!!! E. G. :-D) It's ok though.. But also nothing special!
ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz RonF ROnf RoNf SnoRt
Tune didn't catch me. I hope he made another cool tune soon ;o)
Very good, smooth, clean - just perfect form my ears. More please!
WOW GREAT really proffesionel music produktion. Its Great
Not really what I was hoping for in a lagerfeldt tune
Fantastic remix of a tune that definitely deserved much more attention, it would have been even better if it was under the 5 minute mark but hey... No complains here!
Not Lagerfeldt's best. It could have ended at 4:37 already, no one would care.
Take your hat on
I'm not familiar with the original, but this tune is very nice!
Very nice.
Just very great!!
I really like the song and the feeling. Silent hunter of the seas.;)
At the beagening of the song I can visualize the u-boat descending into the water
The orchestration of this remix is just right w/ perfect stereo panning, volume & tone. Really fantastic stuff reminiscent of music used in old TV shows as already mentioned by others. If considered 1 of Lagerfeldt's weaker works then gr8ness awaits me!
Pleasant sound
Review by mahadeva


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

'Got Any Magic Mushrooms? ' 'No, but I've got some dwarf mush, it's gonna really blow your head off. Look at this, last time I took it, I saw fairies for three days! ' 'Haha! Nicee nice! Roll us a Giant! '… Nothing more to say: I love this tune!
Review by mrt


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Yes, I think it's a great track. The introducing harp over the riseing pads is very good idea and sounds very nice. The main lead voice is soft and fits with background perfectly. I thing M. Cooksey's vision of this tune is reached here. Mayby Lagerfeld will arange another atmosheric, Cooksey's tune? I hope…
Review by neglesaks


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

This one definately has the Oxygene vibe to it! It's good stuff, soft listening, lower tempo than the original and other remixes. Deemphasizes the original instruments in what turns into a quite fair remix. Whenther or not it is too long is partially a matter of personal taste, but with slow tempo tunes longer durations tend to be necessary to convey the proper feel of the work. Personally I found its duration fine, though the outro needs a bit of work.