LaLa - Paperboy Hi-Score (Angelized)

Track info
Paperboy Hi-Score (Angelized)
Arranged by:
LaLa Veteran
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Charts position:
113. in the year 2019
3606. in all-time charts


(Come on, come on! Gather around the campfire! Let us sing you a song about those special people in our lives.)
(Here we go: 1-2-3-4)

You are an angel,
you are a sweetheart,
you are so beautiful,
and filled with love!

You are the sunshine (who)
melts my heart instantly.
I hope you'll stay with me
for all Eternity.

You are an angel,
you are a sweetheart,
you are so beautiful,
and filled with love!

You are the sunshine (who)
melts our hearts instantly.
We hope you'll stay with us
for all Eternity.


Sheep sounds:

- soundmary: sheep in field

- zachrau: Sheep bleating 2

Small crowd sound:

- oniwe: smallAudienceChatter

Uh, vocals in a remix? That's always a so so thingy...
Great arrangement. Not so great vocals. And the sheep+campfire illusion didn't work for me.
I love the idea, only quality of that voice like crypton stuff lowers the rating. Real voice would be great.
Haha. XD
That's a strong NO.
Fresh and brilliant!
Review by Poke16384


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Wow! The master of reviews does a remix… The concept is original, (sheep & campfire) and suits the acoustic guitar which is well executed and sets the mood. How fortunate you are, Imre, to have a choir on hand by your campfire, ha ha!

Putting vocals in, makes this an unusual remix for this website but fair-play to you, for doing it. The remixes & covers that we upload here should push the boundaries. The melody and chord-structure of the original are kept faithfully with a couple of nice, tasty guitar variations. I almost believed you had a perfectly pitched singing voice, (just a couple of glitches in the pitch correction). My only crit - The lead-vocal is slightly ahead of the rest towards the end…

Do you know what? Overall, this is different and out of the ordinary… and I think it deserves a decent score, just for that!

(have you been listening to my remixes with lots of sounds behind the music? LOL).
Review by joenemesys


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Too enjoable! Really an original, fresh and at the same time warm rendition with that mild voice; the growing choir towards the end took me by surprise; I have to admit that I pissed myself by laughing with those sheep at the end!