Lars Lindblad - Mission AD Title Music

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Charts position:
233. in the year 2005
4974. in all-time charts
Very very dull and the lead gets lost for in the over compensated cello
Music to comit suicide to.. Not good at all and repeats over and over. Pretty much a droll affair.
Way too repetitive and needs better mixing, the cello overpowers everything. Would be nice to do this style with a different tune, but not this one.
What about doing a real arrangement rather than putting 2 instruments on 1 MIDI track?
This style needs more expressive midi editing. Hard work, but not unobtainable.
Nice work... Can you try to play the main theme of Mission AD?
There was a hint of an idea in there that went nowhere... What a pity.
Unbalanced, but heard some worse
I like it. But it would be greater with more instruments and not so much repetitive Parts! Oh and it could be a little bit longer ;)
This is why I don't like synth orcestras. If only they were real instruments played by real artists. Then maybe it would be a bit better.
Way too thin, instruments are not even attempting to be real, arrangements needs more work - too bad. Chamber music for this tune could've really worked.
Régi nagy kedvec, játékban is ezért a jó pont!
Simple and nice! Good work!

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