load_error - Ghouls n Ghosts (The Errant Ghost)
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load_error Adept
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Charts position:
100. in the year 2005
2747. in all-time charts
2747. in all-time charts
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Very odd sid to cover but damn its awesome, just a shame there is not enough "tune" in there to make it outstanding
Doubt many people would have tackled this tune and come away with something half decent.
Cool elastic swing, but too long.
Hoo - ray! Someone doing something different.. Industrial mentalness that kinda reminds me of early nin instrumental's in its near randomness.. Great great stuff.
Very bold electro edition. Consistent style all the way. I'm very impressed two so good and different G&G remixes came out this day. ;-) This is a pearl.
Points for trying but not really getting there. Mostly pretty pure in it's genre styling, which is nice.
Do not like the original, so what do you expect?:)
No complain to the technical side. Verry good. But for me this sound is definitively not a listening sound, more a Game-Background Sound.
Killer experimental/electronic track. Love it.
Ok, this guy is starting to be rated very high in my remixers top ten. Not a crowd pleaser, but who cares? A great experimental remix.
Different, but not my taste unfortunately. The Last Ninja remake was better.
Normally not my style, but this piece rocks! Excellent!
Insteresting idea, but I find it too samey throughout.
It takes perserverance but ultimately worth listening to. Might put off a lot of people because of its more Industrial nature, but I quite enjoyed it.
Really atmospheric, love the blips and drum arrangement; the main loop from 2:07 could have done with being compressed and lowered in volume though
Very atmospheric, but also a little boring!
Just like every other remix of your, odd, on the other hand this one is good :D
I missed the rocking second part from that tune. But still a great remix.
Review by mfe
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating
I don't mind the lack of any real lead tune; it's an ambient/atmospheric piece to my ear, something perfectly suited to backing a video collage or a piece of arthouse post-modern cinematography.
For the most part it is well constructed, though the percussion balance is inappropriately loud in places. What I feel is missing is a coheseive bass sound to complement the percussion, even if it were something so simple as a pedal drone with the appropriately grungy feeling to it. The breaks in the melody are well timed, but the transitions could be better effected to lead from one to the other; as they stand now, they are a little too short, and are more jarring than Jarre-ing (if you'll excuse the pun).
It just misses out of a red from me for the aforementiond reasons, but it's still very much worth the download for me. Kudos!
Review by Nada
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating