lopho - Zak McKracken

Track info
Zak McKracken
Arranged by:
lopho Remixer
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Charts position:
220. in the year 2009
4354. in all-time charts
hi ho there.
this is my first c64 remix. to tell the truth, it is my first remix ever.

well…… its a Drum & Bass remix….. bpm 100 (200)

to the 1:1 people: i transposed the song down from A to C and changed the tune a little bit.. so dont rip me apart because of wrong tones… well you can if you have to.

what else to say..

visit me at http://www.lopho.de (under construction atm) or at http://www.ton2.de (its in german, but if you want to listen to some tracks just go to the mp3-blog menu entry, its pretty obvious whats going on there) or at myspace http://www.myspace.com/l0ph0

Zak McKracken
Another average remix of what was always an average tune in the first place.
Have to agree with above, but a good try it was.
Nice drum'n'bass version. I like it. Ending is not the best though.
Needs soul! But good try.
It's okay. I like the short "avantgarde" section towards the end, but that's about it.
For once I apparently disagree with the majority. I like this. Keep it up.
Nice try, the drumbeats nice enough you've got compression on the beat down to a tee.. Its a shame the rest of it is a bit lacking
Like the "yeah" crowd and the beat
I think that Zak tune has a great potential. I just love the melody! This arrangement simply doesnt add a lot...
Sounds unfinished but it has a powerful drive. Maybe, a little flat. Good, anyway.
I like this a lot. Even though its a bit rough, the melody just hits me very well!

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