LukHash - Last Ninja 2 - Central Park
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Charts position:
37. in the year 2020
673. in all-time charts
673. in all-time charts
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2 c64 charts January 2020
S'ok, but trying for Carpenter Brut?
Excellent Remix! Thank you, LukHash!
Best RMX you've ever done! Keep it up!:)
Struggling with Last Ninja remixes fatigue, but a well performed LukHash remix is always welcome! And this one is great!
Extremely enjoyable! A bit heavy on the sidechaning at times, but that's totally fine by me
Doesn't top Reformation, but this is still got me to sit up and take notice. With a little refinement, this would be an easy red face.
Nice connotations LukHash! I like. Definitely up there with Matt Gray's reformation both of which should be used in a game remake..... (hint hint).
Sounds like an Amiga module... Enhanced
I'm all for a bazillion more LN remixes (the tune is so good so there's almost impossible to fail. Or is it?)
As always, AMAZING! /bow
Perhaps the best versions I've heard!
Nice to be back in time :D
Simply awesome!
Raw is everything. This is raw. This is everything.
Waaaaahhhh!!!! :-DDDDD LukHash FT-fuckin'-W!!!! :-DDDD Nothing more to add! It JUST ruuules BIG as like 99. 9 % of his releases! Thanks so MUCH, mate! I WANT MORE, PLEEEASE!! :-D
Pure power, man!
Just wow!
Review by Markus Gecko
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Review by LaLa
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I am especially bothered by two things here: the arpeggios (yeah, I know they're in the original, too, but somehow they stick out like a sore thumb to me), and the strong, pumping sidechaining on the bass frequencies.
Review by wobbler
Artistic skill
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Review by Tamzin
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
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