Mahoney - Miss ParkPatrol takes a Break (feat.Elsa Persson)

Track info
Arranged by:
Mahoney Adept
Member profile:
Original SID:
Original composed by:
Charts position:
21. in the year 2003
1255. in all-time charts
This is a remix of one of the ingame tunes from Park Patrol. A very catchy one, that I find myself humming every now and then, eventhough the last time I played that game was some 10 years ago.

And then I couldn't resist of putting some BreakDance into the refrain, you know that sound, that song, that incredibly cool sound that I couldn't believe the first time I heard it!

Anyway, this remix isn't easy to live with. I know! You'll have to get used to it, and slowly start building up a relationship with it. It's isn't ment to be a listen-love-and-forget-remix. It's more of a listen-hate-love-hate-love-hate-love-hate-never-forget-remix. Did I manage? Well, I don't know, so please tell me!

Elsa Persson is singing all the vocals, and if you can't follow them, let's say it's mostly about Come on and break dance, Get you fat f*cking ass on the ground. She's an altoe and indeed a very nice and light-hearted person, living in Lund, Sweden. She would never have put those words into her own mouth unless I hadn't forced her!

There you've got it. Now, we have a deal. I give you this remix, and you go and have a noise night! Right?

/ Pex Mahoney Tufvesson
Vote distribution
Top Rankings

3 c64 charts April 2003

An impressive, intuitive, jazzy, powerful attempt
Elsa Persson has one of the most beautiful voices in the world.
Great interpretation!
Hot jam! Added to my collection.
Yep, definitely a love-hate tune! Some parts of it I love, others I hate, well, not love that much.=)
Strange - and quite catchy.
Review by eliot


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

For anyone who did not find the. sids, should take a look at the GAMES directory into the HVSC πŸ˜ƒ A-FBreak_Dance. sid and M-RPark_Patrol. sid.

This remix is really amazing, because it honors quite unpopular. sids, I can only remember Break Dance, Park Patrol left without any impression into my neural network. 😊

Yes, I guess most people will leave this remix beside, it's really very unusual and I can imagine the many reviews explaining why it's crap πŸ˜ƒ
For me it's an impressive, intuitive, jazzy, powerful attempt. The only negative I can write here, are some really high frequencies hitting my ear by my headphones and I wished for a bit less volume on this percussions (that squishes I mean). Outstanding work anyways Pex!
Review by craigg


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Another typically quirky remix finds its way from Mahoney's warped brain to RKO. I'm not sure what's in the water where he lives, but I'm sure we'd all like some of it… Anyway, Park Patrol is on a mission to funk, with its catchy riff rendered in warbly female vocals, occasionally giving way to a crunchy rendition of Breakdance. It breaks lots of rules, and shouldn't work, but it does. It's catchy, toe-tapping stuff, which will have lovers of straightforward SID remixes running for the hills and everyone else wondering what on earth they just heard, before wanting to hear it again, just one more time…
Review by rafael


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Ok, Mahoney strikes yet again. And he does it so differently each time. The whole thing with Mahoney tracks is that they are always surprising. This one for instance, is a stroke of genius - picture a funky jazzy voice to a break dance beat and add some superbly recorded vocal effects with some amazing singing (can you call it that even?) - that's what this remix is about. Even the first time I listened, I ended up tapping my feet uncontrollably to the break-beats and smiling. Yes, smiling. Good music makes you smile. This guy is one of the pearls in our remix scene and this tune goes to prove that. 'Nuff said.