Maindrian - Kjell Nordboe Selecta
949. in all-time charts
Here we are then, this one was such a pain. Begun in 2005, finished 2007 and there's huge reams of this gone missing along the way too. Originally it was supposed to be about five Kjell tunes in there, running together in a slightly odd fashion, but in the end, it's down to two and a bit. So, what's here?
Intro - The burring noise of Died from the original sid, possibly one of the creepiest C64 tunes I've ever heard outside of the Last Ninja 2 sewer stage.
1st part - Sweet Strange Little Linn, arguably my favourite tune ever. Only the first half though, since A: I struggled to find a way to get the second half to work on guitar and B: as good as it is, I like the quiet part a lot more. Recorded onto a distorted microphone from a few metres away, with a completely knackered nylon string acoustic. The "bass" is just a pitched down low E on my electric. Bit of a cheat really.
2nd part - Replaced One Must Go. I love this one as well. The sid sounds so epic, I just chopped bits out of it and used them for the lead, which is not something I'd normally do, but I could not work out a better lead. The usual twin distorted rythm guitar/bass and sequenced drums arrangement underneath. As always, the drums sound totally stiff, which lets it down a bit for me, but otherwise, I am quite happy with it, since it does rattle on in a chaotic way.
Outro - My interpretation of Died, which is all that remains of about two minuites of tuneless grinding and crunching that was cut out of the middle. An almighty bloody racket it was, but I just didn't feel the world was ready for it and it did get repetetive after a minuite or so.
So, not a 100% success, but hey, at least there's a remix of a Kjell Nordboe tune knocking about now. I hope more people give his stuff a look over.
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