Makke - Hell On Earth Spells Game Over

Track info
Arranged by:
Makke Veteran
Member profile:
Original composed by:
Charts position:
5. in the year 2001
572. in all-time charts
Vote distribution
Top Rankings

1 c64 charts December 2001

R64 CD Giveaway Compo 2001

1 Best Remix

Made me chuckle!
Give back my childhood!
Nostalgia!!! Added to my collection.
Yes is awesome¡¡¡
Well, I remixed Deel 3 by Jeroen Tel a couple moths back and LaLa pointed me to this one here, perfect remix, my respect from the future!!
Review by putzi


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Makke sings You can take your Quake and go away, I won't play it anyway
to the music of Cybernoid 2. This is a great song about the time when playing computer games meant fun, not because of the GeForce rendering that alien in shiny mirror-triple-FX, the game idea just seemed right for itself.
The lyrics are funny, not cheesy, the music is what I'd call slow Masterboy -disco with a bit of Apoptygma Berzerk.

Not to forget Makke's funny intro-speech where he goes back in time
while playing the guitar. 😊
Review by beldin


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

The winner of Remix64's Great CD Giveaway Competition gives an outstanding example of innovative and successful usage of singing and entertaining lyrics in SID remixes. It it based on a short accoustic guitar version of Times of Lore (Martin Galway) in the intro and builds its two main parts upon perfectly blended Pop versions of Deel 3 and Cybernoid 2 (Jeroen Tel) for a total of 4:47. The lyrics just fit so well.