Marcel Donné - Something Stranger Remake

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2. in the year 2005
229. in all-time charts
So, I finally found the time to put the finishing touches to Feekzoid's marvellous remix, which I started in November 2004.

Feekzoid himself provided me with the piano melody, because I got a couple of notes wrong😉

All the guitarwork was done by Juha "sumppi" Kaunisto (thank you so much!)
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2 c64 charts 2005

2 c64 charts July 2005

I upgraded this after a couple of listens.... Just after that 3 min mark is just amazing.. Its been a long time coming but Marcel sure knows how to work a tune
Ok... Now I have to change underwear...
I can admit to cumming when I heard Feekzoids original remix - and this just had the same effect.... A new pair of shorts please!
Marcel just completely rocks my world, again! An excellent improvisation on a quite limited SID with plenty of emotion and feel, and working around the original tune. Superb stuff.
Ding, dang and dong!
Don't have words:)
Standing ovation from me. This is spine chilling and procured some erections too :)
Marcel "JARRE" Donné :o)
Couldn't be better for this kind of song!
Fantastic! Thats really catchy and emotional at the same time. Especially the second half remindes me to early works of Tangerine Dream.
This tune makes me want to have marcels babies....
Love it, a perfect companion to Feekzoids remix.
Fantastic texturing going on, the intro gives me goose bumps. I'm not a huge fan of the electronic sounding drum-kit though, but that's just me being picky ;=)
Yes, I have to admit this is a little bit FANTASTIC! ;-) (though I wouldn't have done the double time drums in the end)
^^ Just amazing how one mans sound can rule my feelings for 5 minutes....... Jean-Michel Donné ROCKS!!!!!
Well I think this AMAZING remix is going to push G. R. Brown's Rastan remix for the NO. 1 spot for all time C64 remixes, though I think RASTAN still has that edge "BUT ONLY JUST", Will buy you a beer or 2 in September M D!!!!
Good lord. In an effort to find the most annoying song ever, this Microprose Soccer subtune won... I used to torture my sister with it when I lived back home, and you made a cover of it. And it sounds good!8)
It's good, really good... I listen to a lot of Jarre, and it's *almost* in the same league :)
Outstandig till 3:45 then it doesn't touch me as before... Would also like Juha and Paul mentioned within the MP3-tag
Good work, but... Not so good :(
F**k'n brilliant! OUTSTANDING!
Could have been even better with more dynamic difference in the mix.
It´s a funny idea, but hmmm... Can´t get too much out of the rap... No matter-cool remix!
A piece completely worthy of the outstanding vote. Extremely atmospheric with amazing ambience and instrumentation.
Zero to 3 minutes is the great foreplay, From then to 5:57 is the orgasm...... Pure delight
Great 80s style synth hymn.
Nothing really intresting ni that remix... Plain soft-synt. No real surprises
Can't think of Something Stranger than not liking this tune. Great work! Added to my collection.
This is really an outstanding and very catchy Remix! Thumbs up, man! - P. S. Grytulf: Release a better Remix... That would be the REAL surprise!;)
Masterpiece of the true master
Very great
Ive listen to this soooo much, but I found its quite similar to Feekzoid's, and prob the original sid, hence, downgrade due to lack of originality.
Very relaxing
Love it, better than FeekZoid's version, however it does sound a little flat throughout. If that was fixed it'd be a red,.
Some synth epic stuff never hurts. Great work.
When's the album coming out?
Fourteen years later and still sounding amazing!
Awesome remix, Marcel
Definitely one of the best tune from 2005.

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