Marcel Donné - Sweet
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Marcel Donné Veteran
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Charts position:
2. in the year 2004
40. in all-time charts
40. in all-time charts
Intrigued by the 2 already existing 'Sweet' remixes I decided to do my own take on this excellent Bjerregaard piece, and decided to stay faithfull to the original simply because the original was so powerful.
Main instruments: Yamaha CS80 for the melodies and the guitar comes from a Korg Karma (a guitarma😉 )
Main instruments: Yamaha CS80 for the melodies and the guitar comes from a Korg Karma (a guitarma😉 )
Vote distribution
Top Rankings
2 c64 charts 2004
2 c64 charts September 2004
ROTY 2004
2 Best c64 Remix
Cant fault this, another great mix of this tune and when that guitar kicks in it sounds just perfect.... Fantastic work by Marcel, always a joy to hear something by him
Marcel hits the jackpot once again! Absolutely flawless!
How spoilt are we!!! This is now the 3rd version of this tune.. All 3 are excellent! And very different
CS-80 RULEZ :) This is the opener for Sidologie 2 surely!
Wow! That must be Marcel's best remix of all times. Amazing!
This is easily the best mix of Sweet, and for one reason: it's kept all the emotion that the C64 original had, and added plenty of good timed instruments (got to love the guitar work there). It's utterly brilliant and gets my vote as remix of 2004 so far
I found Vangelis. He has taken the shape of Mr. Donné! Great mix!
Nothing wrong with this remix, near perfection.... Great work marcel...
Gosh! Marvelous!
Vangelis meets Sweet - the result is so good, I think it's even more emotional than the original... Wow...
Wow... I mean... Oh, wow...:)
JUst So SWEET! Cant say anything els Good Job ;)
Lovely Vangelis/SID feeling in this one, but it doesn't really make it all the way.
Very good, but again, that lead synth... The guitar is well placed in the end, but why does it repeat the same back and forth in the end sequence? But all in all a good tune.
Aye lad - this is indeed lovely
Lovely vangelis style pad with lots of warmth and fantastic rhthm and percussion - only missed out on the outstanding vote because I like the lagerfeldt version a little better
Very Emotional!
You can fall into a SWEET, endless near-sleep while listening to this :)
Really nice - reminds me of great 80's movies - Bladerunner/Vangelis
Terrific! An excellent remake. Drums lacks punch tho
This is pretty much as good as a remix has ever sounded. As soon as I heard the opening strains of this song for the first time, I knew I was in for something completely amazing. And agreed that virtually every remix of Sweet is fantastic.
It has the sad but driving of the original......... That is enough. Yet it has more......... More........
Wow! The original is great, this is even better. :)) YUUUUMMIE!
Love it. Still one of my favourites after listening to just about everything else!
I remember this one whet I donwload it... It's brilliant!
Indeed sweet! Reminds me of the Bladerunner ambience...
Sweet indeed! The more I listen to this, the more I love it... It's gotta be one of the best pieces on R:K:O...
Donné is god! Added to my collection.
Very nice tune
You don't get it better than this!
Think Ive just come - awesome work
I like the background music,
One more tune to save!!
Awesome, marcel got my attention after listening to "something stranger"
I still like the original SID better - but hey, what a piece of synth art...! It captures the essence.
Very nice indeed.
This is just perfect for me. Love the Sweet theme.
Great class! Very emotional, absolutely brilliant!:)
Outstanding! I also love the early workprint with only CS-80 in it, but this is just awesome!
One the best remixes I've ever heard, I wish there was a higher bitrate version available.
I absolutely adore this tune and you have blown me away by your rendition of it.
I think this version is better than Mordi's, because of the bass line. Sinus bass rules!
One of the best C64 remix ever!
Best Sweet RMX!
It was nice to tell you in person how much I like this one.
Review by LMan
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating
Review by LaLa
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating
Second, I have to admit that for personal reasons I hold Sweet very close to my heart (one could say it hit my sweetspot, heh-heh). From the first time I've heard it I thought that it is one of the (if not THE) most emotional original tunes ever created on the C64. Many times when I was depressed or just sad, I listened to this tune with my eyes closed and by the time the tune was over I had tears on my face…
So, any cover of this tune has to pass my very high expectations. And I'm pleased to say that Marcel has done it.
The previous two remixes of Sweet that I heard were both lacking the emotion and the sadness of the original. Marcel delivers both thanks to the soul of the famed Yamaha CS-80, the same synth that provided that signature Vangelis sound up until the 90's (and Vangelis happens to be one of my favorite composers, too).
What do I like here:
- The opening arpeggios and the entire opening itself.
- The wonderfully emotional lead provided by the CS-80 (and Marcel's playing).
- The introduction of the drums at 0:37.
- The shadow lead starting at 1:17. What a nice touch!
- Those a la Zoolook Jarre-esque noise-effects at 1:48 instead of the original's sweeping double-noise. What a great enhancement over the original!
- The bridge being played on a guitar. (Or guitar-like sound.)
- The introduction of the very Vangelis-like bell-like pad at 2:26 - it really enhances the melody!
- The very cool ending.
- The fact that not only Marcel sticks to the original closely, but he also managed to enhance it!
What do I think could've been done better:
- The trills in the lead do not quite come through with the CS-80 brass, they seem to disappear into the rest of the tune. This is basically due to the limitation of the sound itself, but I wonder if it could've been enhanced somehow.
- The guitar could've used a lote more vibrato at 3:02, 3:10, 3:18 and 3:25 (i. e. on the low notes). In fact, short slides would've been better here than just a vibrato, because that's pretty much what the original SID does, too.
But these are the relatively minor gripes of an obsessive perfectionist. Plus look at it: 9 pluses versus 2 not-so-pluses. That ain't bad at all!
The bottom line is, I have a new tune to cry to…
Review by Tomsk
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating
A lot of Marcels work does stay hugely faithfull to the original SID tune, enhancing the listening experience with new fresh instruments and this is a classic example of how good it can get.
The guitar work is simply stunning and fits in with the main theme really well - and even though I'm not a Jarre fanatic I still really enjoyed the drums which suite perfectly and the choice of lead (very sid-ish!!!) I often think drums can make or break a tune - sometimes they're well done, but the wrong style for the tune. At other times they can be overpowering but Marcel has got these spot on.
Fantastic effort and a must download.
Review by Ryrynz
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating