Marcus Geelnard - Last Ninja - The Wilderness (dance mix)

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Charts position:
78. in the year 2004
2740. in all-time charts
This was my first C64 remix - of one of my favourite SID tunes of all time: The Last Ninja - The Wilderness.

The remix was done in a lean, upbeat dance-flavour, hopefully to your liking.
Nicer than nice...
I'm impressed! Everything fits. I like those crisp drums and most of the sounds used here. Almost Outstanding! Added to my collection.
Good work!
Review by Waz


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Now, the only good remix of any Last Ninja tune in the last year was Sonic Wanderer's, and that's now the standard. So, what about this? Well, there sounds suspiciously big chunks of the SID in there, and if it isn't, it's close. Although I appreciate the faster speed change, in reality it doesn't do anything for me other than make it easier for the remixer to create a dance mix out of. Bit of a cop-out, that. It's not bad, and it flows pretty well, and the instruments are okay, even if it _doesn't_ flow exactly in the same way the original does. I'm not sure though if I could really stomach another mix of this for much longer than one listen, unlike with Sonic Wanderer's one.