Markus Schneider - Human Race

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Charts position:
64. in the year 2003
2445. in all-time charts
This remix is done with a lack of inspiration while orchestrating difficult passages on some other projects. So the creative side you will is positioned at zero while the nostalgic imho is huge. The instrumentation is well sorted with samples from the best synthesizers from the 80's like Elka Synthex, Memorymoog etc.

All added voices/tracks are played live in with no corrections. The final remix was done in some hours without a stop. The aim is the relax and nostalgic factor which is in my ears fulfilled and lead imho to a good result.

This text above may reflect in reviews from listeners like Eliot, Putzi and Craig to which i agree except for the midrange.

Sounds good, was my first thought. But then why does every second Human Race #4 remix have that one wrong note at 0:57/0:58? Do you guys ever listen to the original SIDs or just remix the remixes?
Review by eliot


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Markus did a nice work. Not stellar, not kicking, but quite in shape with the original, some nice effects and balanced instruments, with a lack of own inspiration.
Review by putzi


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

This remix is a ride into dreamland. I love that short appearance of the female voice again and again (German Captain Future-title-track-alike), and there are some side-sounds in the background you can discover if you listen closely.
The sum of sounds and rhythm makes it addictive.
The only negative to me is the slightly too present midrange sometimes.
Review by craigg


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Schneider's take on Hubbard's classic composition proves that even a fairly unremarkable remix can work wonders if the original source material is good enough. Despite not really straying from the original, the instrumentation is well chosen, and the addition of occasional, haunting female vocals adds some much-needed atmosphere to the mix, helping to move it into the? chillout zone'. Because of the dreamlike state induced, the repetitious nature of the track isn't a problem, although the lack of bass and over-emphasised mid-range sounds sometimes make the mix feel a little flat. Nevertheless, this is generally a good effort, and a perfect track to relax to.
Review by LaLa


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Here is a remix where all the sounds seem to be really good, but together they don't make much sense to me. I really like the electronic choir in the background, but the lead sound sort of destroys them. The clapping is great - but what's the point of having it here? The drums provide a nice rhythm but stylistically sound out of place. I wish the occasionally appearing female singer was featured more prominently and more frequently. All in all, technically it's great but artistically only so-so.