Markus Schneider - Last Ninja End Credits
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Markus Schneider Veteran
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6. in the year 2005
454. in all-time charts
454. in all-time charts
This remix is dedicated to the work of Ben Daglish, Anthony Lees, Matt Gray, Reyn Ouwehand and Paul 'Feekzoid' Hannay. The idea behind this track is to create an end credits mood, where all the different scenes (games) pass your eyes again.
If you leave a cinema before the outro is finished, this theme will probably be not a good idea for your ears. Also if you dislike orchestral appearance in remixes.
I would like to thank 'Eliot' for beta-testing, although I couldn't completely follow his wishes.
If you leave a cinema before the outro is finished, this theme will probably be not a good idea for your ears. Also if you dislike orchestral appearance in remixes.
I would like to thank 'Eliot' for beta-testing, although I couldn't completely follow his wishes.
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Top Rankings
2 c64 charts November 2005
Tho I hate to say it, its a standard Schnieder affair but oh what a standard he has, a gorgeously put together medly
Mmm... Schneiderized!
Markus has to score a film or there is no justice in this world! This is an amazing take on the Last Ninja end credit tune! I wonder what Ben thinks of this!
It's definitely boring how Markus can be over all of us :)
Now this is a bit nice. Just oozes quality and film score. Excellent job Markus!
Markus strikes again with a goosebump-inducing orchestral monster-wank of an all-time classic! Nothing left to say but WOAH! :) Thanks for that piece!
Voting it lower than outstanding wouldn't do it justice, but: The modified melody in the first part (my favourite Last Ninja-tune) irritates my ears a lot *complain*
Incredible work, Markus... Last Ninja meets Hollywood! Somber and moving in the first part (a la Newton Howard), turns into an epic anthem the Last Ninja theme in the finale. Ultra-recommended!
F.... Brilliant! Another outstanding remix by mr. Schneider....
House of flying daggers all over again.. Well produced well made.. Well done
I am highly impressed by this remix. Simply amazing arrangement! Great great work, Markus =)
LOL... Winnetou meets Hans Zimmer...! Thanks anyway... XD
Yet another boring orchestral remake. Just not my cup of tea.
Beginning is very nice, pompous, traditional Chinese, but then looses focus... Also has too much "downtime"...
Professional production. I would love it for a movie end credits, but not for 'active' listening.
Top notch movie score production. Indeed demands a moving picture otherwise it can get a little boring.
Beautifully arranged. Great production. Maybe not to everybodys taste, where one could find it 'a little boring' I can listen to it over and over. Great job Markus!
Your musical skills are wonderfull, no doubts, but this is a little bit too pompous and epic for my tastes.. And that melody changed is an outrageous choice on such famous melody :-(
Fantastic orchestral score rendering of some memorable themes. Superb.
This is simply awesome..
Extremly Exelent "Last Samurai" Style
My headphone-cable is defect, so I can't write usefull stuff now... Voting is based on beta-version. Update: strings have a synthetic touch and still too long/repetitive, beside that, it's very good.
Very nice effort for sure!! The only thing which stays with most of those orchestral remixes is that I _alyways_ seem to hear that it's _not_ a real orchestra (of course) as it sounds kinda 'midi'-synthized in some parts more and in some parts less!:-/
Majestic. Or How To Fly Without Leaving Your Chair. Totally agree with the sentiment that this guy should be writing film scores.
Movie score alert!
Dont ever get shy with this interpetation in your briefcase. Just dont sell out to some glaze-eyed Hollywood producer. This would make a typical Peter Jackson production perhaps?
Synth orcestra is not my cup of tea. But this was very well done anyway.
Epic, orchestral stuff - could swear there's a bit of the Spiderman movie theme in there!!
Sounds too much like film music to me with no real lead...
This song is like from the "fictional" The Last ninja movie! :) Superb work!
Bloody great
Sounding a little lacking in expression in places, but still nicely arranged.
Another failed attempt to simulate an orchestra with synth sounds. Good arrangement, but the sound is too artificial and MIDish and far from what a real orchestra can do. No Ninja spirit in it, sounds more like Winnetou!
Well done atmospheric orchestral arrangement
Oh it is too short.... But nice
Brilliant!!! Did not recognise the 3rd tune sadly but I still loved this
Review by feekzoid
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating
I liked this so much I tried to persuade Markus to do (or collaborate) a Ninja themed soundtrack album to an imaginary movie.
Ignore the naysayers, in the great scheme of things the Ninja series has BARELY been done with orchestral instrumentation, and I for one would love to hear more.
Review by gavin
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating
The quality of the orchestral intruments is just astonishing!
It starts very promisingly with a piece from last ninja 1, then changes into one of my personal favourites, the last ninja 3 level 1 tune from reyn ouwehand. But sadly the original character of this tune isnt captured very good in my opinion. Sounds like gladiator or a knights-movie… after that it changes back to a last ninja 1 tune i think, not sure… and this one now sounds like the score to a cowboy film. At the end it changes again to a last ninja 2 tune which also does not fit the mood of the original piece. For my personal taste its just too turgid, too much of everything. For me, musically theres no straight line…
So, sorry, i just cant share the enthusiasm of most others… i personally think markus should have concentrated on just remixing one tune. This would have been great!!