Markus Siebold - C64 Turrican 2 Summer Remix

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Charts position:
79. in the year 2003
2749. in all-time charts
The Pet Shop Boys are dead. Long live the Pet Shop Boys!
Hate it or love it - I LOVE IT! <3 evertime it plays, the sun rises in my heart. :) it makes me feel sooo good.8-)
Review by putzi


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This is my last game for the C64 Manfred Trenz wrote in the end titles of Turrican 2 when the original SID of this remix played. Ok, it wasn't his last game (-Enforcer).
The man who created the SID also made this remix, Markus Siebold himself. He extended the song to it's full glory with synthy violins and Italo-dance snare drums. The arrangement is great this way.
The mid-frequencies are too low while you get a lot of bass and hihats in this mix, and it sounds not much stereo.
It is still a remix that makes a die-hard-Turrican-fan smile 😊
Good ol' times!
Review by Tas


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

A lovelly feel good bouncy and jolly remix from Markus Siebold (who incidentally wrote the original piece). Nice attacking powerful drums accompanies a jarre-esque lead and backing. It's a damn good version of a great sid. Sometimes however you just wish that markus brought out the lead into the open more, a niggly point tho to be honest.
Review by eliot


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

I was not a fan of the originial SID and this version does not kick. It's quite ok, but very much repeations, no variations, lead is more in background than leading… quite boring for me, a tune just downloaded, voted and forgotten.
Review by luvdasid


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Great surrealistic summer-breeze-tune. I start dreaming whenever I listen to that fine piece of synthi magic. Well, lets turn off the C=64 and play the greatest game ever again (besides System Shock…😉