Martin Dodd - SkyFox II (Darkside Of The MOS Remix)

Track info
Arranged by:
Martin Dodd Veteran
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Original SID:
Original composed by:
Charts position:
78. in the year 2012
2956. in all-time charts


I was listening to SkyFox II sid and realised that if I speeded up the appeggio part from the first 10 seconds of the sid to 165 BPM it sounded a bit like the Pink Floyd Track On The Run. I added the running up bassline and piled a load of Floydian inspired effects on top. I didn't know whether it would be too experimental for a release as it borrows just riffs from the sid but being the massive Floyd fan that I am - I had too.

Rob Hubbards Delta would have been the most obvious choice yet Sky Fox II seemed to share the same idea of Flying like On The Run.


Now here's something different.:)
Wicked crazy stuff! This is what I call a freakshow and it is working :-D
Great new remixes!
Weird :)
Nice Pink Floyd tribute! I'll be honest, I have trouble finding Firefox II in it, but it's great nevertheless.
I don't quite like it, although I do like what you are going for in that you are making a tribute to a PF song. But the track doesn't have legs on its own, IMO.

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