Mauve Park - Great Giana Sisters Opening Theme

Track info
Arranged by:
Mauve Park Remixer
Original SID:
Original composed by:
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Charts position:
156. in the year 2005
3725. in all-time charts
Even though Giana Sisters has been done to death, this is different enough to warrant a listen. Quite ambient and full of mood, even if not perfect sounding.
Well worth a listen. Extra bonus point for managing to find a new angle to Giana Sisters. It ends a bit abrupt.
To all: Do More MANIAC MANSION _remixes_!!! ;-))) Although it's a nice an mellow track! In some parts it feels out of place a bit though...
Nice, mellow, abrupt ending :-( Gets a bonus point for the unusual approch.
Don't like the eerie chords under th GS opening melody. There's no change or variation in this remix either.
You'll never be number one if your name is vi2e!
Nice to chillout.
Moody, but I kept waiting for it to take off - which doesn't happen.
Ok arrangement, but a bit on the boring side.
No more Giana remixes, PLEASE!!!
Review by quinch


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

I'm afraid that the best thing that can be said about this remix is that's it's not inherently bad, and the experience of listening to it, if not the remix itself, is made so much worse by the feeling of disappointment it brings in just a few seconds after start.

It starts promising - immensely so, with a kind of children at playground background loop as the Giana Sisters theme opens with an eerie xylophone-ish instrument I could swear I've heard before in some horror movie or other, and it was a genuine surprise how well the theme fit to the creepy mood. Okay, I thought, it's a bit too fast, but I can live with that. And after a short while, it delivered… nothing. Nothing at all. About half a minute of eeriness, the melody shifts into the generic remix gear and stays there until the end. A little beat here, a little variation there, and we're done. There is one or two noteworthy points, likethe little twist around 1:23, but it's not nearly enough to pull it out of mediocrity; it's briefly promising, but it doesn't last.