Metal & Drax - Remark Remix

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Metal & Drax Remixer
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Charts position:
10. in the year 2007
354. in all-time charts

Thanks everyone for the nice response this remix has recieved! Both myself and Drax are well aware that this remix by no means is the hit of the century, but we feel it does justice to the original, and that's what it's all about - basicly A bit of background info.. well.. Why the long intro you ask? The idea was actually to create a really dancy funky club-track with a standard build-up instead of just smacking the theme right in your faces from bar one😉 But given that this most likely will never be a club-smasher I probably should've shortened the intro somewhat.. (note to myself for a possible next release).



- Metal

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Top Rankings

1 c64 charts March 2007

A very nice effort here. Lots of funky beats, great build up into the main body of the tune, with the vibe of the original being there for all to hear. Thoroughly enjoyable.
Yeah! Go Vibrants, you rock!
"Metal & Drax ------> newcomer" :) I like it!
The first 50 seconds I thought... Why do the others love it? Then the whole song began to remember me the old Captain Future Series... And now I really like it! Good Work!
Really really like this one...
Very funky! This tune is groovy from the first second to the last, and it varies enough to keep it interesting. At times it sounds a bit mod-like, but what an awesome arrangement on top of the original!
Made my hands constantly wiggle to the beat & melody - awesome!
I thought the tune was somewhat weak, some sounds didnt feel in place.
Drax doing funky stuff? Id have never thought it ;-).. Erm anyway A - its funny to have them both in the newcomer section and B this is bloody brilliant
This is top stuff and just as J -T would of done It!!! One of the best remixes I've heard on R. K. O!!!
Hah, very funky & very good work, but IMHO SID is better, some synths are just not good enough.
Good beat and a nice little tune once it finally gets going.
It isn't until the tune gets going after the first minute that you see why it's so loved. Very funky stuff!
I like the good old synthi sounds and that rollercoaster 70ér stylee thingi :-) really cool...... And very good arangement.
Oh, yes!
Goregously funky and I love the organicness of some parts
Absolutely pro production! This remix is pure Rock'n'Roll, even without guitars.
Just great!
Very innovative.
Day Trip To Brisco!!! (check out this compilation and you will find out what I mean)
Well produced - not roty material but not far short its lovelly - and I can listen to it time and time again
Metal & Drax please more remix, this tune is very good, mixing, sounds is perfect!!!!
What a great remix, sooo damn funky from start to end... Thumbs up to Drax and Metal for doing this funktastic remix and hope to hear more for us guys.
So Wonderfull and funky, pure ear candy! Great job guys!
Retains the classic sound of the Maniacs XM modules! Great stuff :)
It's great to listen my fav c64 duet :). Funktastic!
This is galactic!!! Happy Sunday morning, Stan of Hitmen
This tune just has SO much life! A REALLY nice mix of some classic SID sounds in there too!
Outstanding Life, beat melody and rythm combination, exelent remix
Nice stuff!
This one stands out! A great groove with a funky c64 feeling - a track I can listen over and over aigain and again and again....
Drax? Is that Thomas Mogensen (DRAX) of the Maniacs Of Noise? At least this tune seriously smells of him. Hey moog, looks like you're getting a real competitor!:-)
Fun stuff all the way. It is interesting to realise that recognisable personal character is independent of the carrier.
Holy shit, the funk. Moog take note!
Review by arbory


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

After finding only trancy and cheesy-cheeeeesy jeroen tel remixes - this one stands out!

A great groove with a funky c64 feeling - a track I can listen over and over aigain.

the beat at the beginning could really work on a big floor - stomping.

the next seqence sounds at first a little trancy - i was - at the point - not sure where this track will take me…

but at latest after one minute this track catches you - with this fabulous bass line.

at the breaks some c64 style drums bring back some more nostalgia - great usage!

the melodic part is easy and light in an typical jeroen tel style arrangement.

But Metal&Drax do not only bring this Maniacs of Noise mood to life, the made some truly new track out of it!

it sounds very smooth and organic, so i can easy imagine a live genius playing and squeezing a synth (and maybe even with a whole combo jamming like mad)

one of my absolute favorites c-64 remixes!