MistaDistah - Wizball Song 2 (Orchestral Bouncy Remix)

Track info
Arranged by:
MistaDistah Remixer
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Original SID:
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Charts position:
162. in the year 2001
2769. in all-time charts
This is from the sampler-era. 2nd version of the arrangement. I still think the orchestral soundbank has very nice sounds, even today!
Now how cool is that! Added to my collection.
Love the arrangement!
Review by Chris Abbott


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

The words 'flatter to deceive' apply to this remix, which is an interesting take on the SID. Elements from the SID, orchestral hits, a hip-hop style brush breakbeat all combine. Sounds interesting, and is for about a minute. Then you realise that nothing else is going to happen that's more interesting: OK, the drums develop into a more standard house pattern, but that's about it. This is most definitely a case of 'I've just bought a sample CD and I'm going to use it'. Some nice ascending orchestral chords at 1:30 onwards make me think I've been a bit harsh, since some of them are quite epic. The SID is almost optional here though, and the piece doesn't quite know where it's going. On balance, the world is better for this piece existing, so I recommend a download. don't expect anything more from Wizball than the paint mixing noises though. Download it if you're in an experimental mood.
Review by LaLa


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Great idea, not so good execution. I dunno why, but something is missing from it. It's like eating salt-less soup. You feel that it could've been something tasty, something big, but it isn't. A bit ambient with some breakbeat going on in the background, many orchestral hits - I guess, all the elements for a hit are there. It just wasn't mixed with the right proportions.