Mongo Erectus - Gyroscope

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216. in the year 2009
4274. in all-time charts
Great bass and fuzzy drums but I find the lead messy and the guitar noises just not fitting in right
Great idea for a remix, just a little too messy in places though. As Dan mentions, if the guitar was dropped this would have got a higher rating.
I like the idea, but the distortion is rather unpleasant in many places. I'm not sure that this tune is the best one suited for this kind of sound...
The guitar and the spacy background sounds are not timed very nicely in places, also I find issues with the volume levels: Some things that practically cry out to be louder are pushed into the background by the bass and the drums. The idea is good, though
The original Gyro tune is just way too 'soft-tail' for this concrete-breaker orchestration (that I liked pretty much). Feels like Prodigy playing any romantic hitsong. Take a much more aggressive SID :)
A brave attempt at doing something a little more Industrial with this - the bass and drums work fine, but the guitar just doesn't work for me.
The drums are just too grungy for my taste. The rest is actually pretty interesting.
Actually I like the guitar, I just don't like the arrangement.
Compared to the Rauli & Wobbler's Eels Driving the Hovercraft remix, this one just cannot compete.

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