moog (Sebastian Bachliñski) - Basics of Love (feat. Makke)
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51. in the year 2007
787. in all-time charts
787. in all-time charts
This beautiful SID was made by Laxity of Vibrants.
The singing, vocal arrangement and lyrics were made and performed by Makke - Thank You!!! It's absolutely brilliant.
Basics of Love
" It's the strangest thing of all
Just how quickly you can fall
When you get on the love train
And as the feeling grows ever deep
You know you're hers to keep
Even if or when she drives you insane
And she makes you feel complete as man, as lover, and as idiot too
She may not be perfect, but then again neither are you
It's the strangest thing of all
How a gesture, big or small
Can make or break the whole world
And as you try to understand
Why she wants you as her man
Your mind gets all twisted and twirled
And she makes you feel all wicked and vile, while smooth as silk too
And she may not be perfect, but a million times neither are you
It's the strangest thing of all
How she can stand all of your flaws
Or indeed you hers
And even though it would be easier to leave
Don't ever be so naïve, for I believe, all the love that you receive
Make you achieve greater things than you can perceive "
- Makke
The singing, vocal arrangement and lyrics were made and performed by Makke - Thank You!!! It's absolutely brilliant.
Basics of Love
" It's the strangest thing of all
Just how quickly you can fall
When you get on the love train
And as the feeling grows ever deep
You know you're hers to keep
Even if or when she drives you insane
And she makes you feel complete as man, as lover, and as idiot too
She may not be perfect, but then again neither are you
It's the strangest thing of all
How a gesture, big or small
Can make or break the whole world
And as you try to understand
Why she wants you as her man
Your mind gets all twisted and twirled
And she makes you feel all wicked and vile, while smooth as silk too
And she may not be perfect, but a million times neither are you
It's the strangest thing of all
How she can stand all of your flaws
Or indeed you hers
And even though it would be easier to leave
Don't ever be so naïve, for I believe, all the love that you receive
Make you achieve greater things than you can perceive "
- Makke
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Sebastian, you made me shoot my load again. Your stuff just makes me feel all warm inside!
Everybody just go: awwwwww! This is so slushy lurve like but at the same time it has a warm feeling inside. And Makke's vocals just make it even more so.
Great great great and um, did I say it was great?
Moog does it again, and with makke too!
Makke, great vox as always mate; Moog, when's your new cd coming? :P you should makke it my friend...:)
Well mixed, though sounds a bit like something Wierd Al would do. I didn't really find it that moving, but its a neat song.
M&M... Woo-hoo!
Great. The voice sounds like a sedated Frank Zappa! Well done Moog & Makke!
Great singing, pretty good lyrics, excellent backing track - wow!
Laid back stlye and solidly produced as expected. Just not 100% sure if the vocals won't become a bit of a dullness when listening to this more often! ;-) Anyways...
Very summery sounding tune, its one of them toe tappers. Really enjoyed it.
Skillfully arranged but I find it boring, as well as most of Moog's music... Sorry to be the one that rocks the boat, but I'm sure Moog can handle my criticism, as it seems everyone else loves the work :)
The vocals are good, the arrangement is good, but I don't think they fit too well together. The arrangement is too soft for Makkes voice which needs some more "rock" arrangement IMO. Some amp-guitars or something would make this tune rock.
Sappy as sappy can be. Well made, but hardly original or inspiring, unfortunately.
Almost outstanding! But why are the vocals so dry? They feel not really mixed with the music. Arrangement is perfect.
IMO 1st time I didnt think the lyrics worked and were out, but I took time to listen to it again & again & 1000 of times and they do - music wise stunning - moog and makke if you have a baby it would be a mega musician
Makke & Moog... It has everything that deserves red smile... I don't know, today it's very very good. We'll see later.
Great tune.. Wonderfull SID.. Great production.. And lovely vocals and lyrics..
Did Moog hire Wierd AL for this one?? Damn it sound exactly like Al on the vocals and the music overall.. Great work Moog and Makke...
A very nice piece. If I would've liked this kind of stuff in the first place, it might have made it all the way to a red one. Vocals are a bit, worn out, and the break in the middle don't really fit in
Reminds me of the game Loco Roco... Or maybe Katamari or something... Anyway, great tune. Me love... You?
Not my cup of tea, but you can see a lot of effort is put in to it.
Absolutely brilliant. The original, the remix, the lyrics. The dry vocals just fit the laid back style that I love Laxity so much for.
Still loving this!
Cool tune! Congratulations ;)
I love his voice!
Nice, not sure about the singing though :P
If I was a girl, I'd fall in love with Makke for those awesome lyrics. A little corny, I know, but hey, it's about true love, so they have to be! Outstanding, but one point off for the (as always) average singing skills. Added to my collection.
Review by maskkkk
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
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Review by Kite
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating
Perfect C64 remix!