moog (Sebastian Bachliñski) - Orchestral Sequence
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5. in the year 2006
216. in all-time charts
216. in all-time charts
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2 c64 charts March 2006
Very sweet. The lead sound lifts it up to outstanding.
Hmm, should we kick this guy out of the scene? I mean, total domination is bad, right? ;) Nah, this one is EXCELLENT! I thought it was Thanatos at first, though...
Don't remember the original (Sorry, Drax! ;) ), but this is absolutely beautiful!
When this started I thought I was listening to DHS's Thanatos :) The piano solo's are GRAND :P and the subtle pads are perfect. Works up to a really nice mellow piece - again Moog for king!!
Talented bastard.
Gotta love the piano in this piece, another superb and slick production from Moog
Moog, thanks for doing such a cool version of my End Sequence... I must admit that the piano riff sounds a bit like Thanatos... I am glad that you used a piano since it was made for piano - the first lead was meant to be a sax though :D... WELL DONE
At first, I thought it was Thanatos, but it was Drax's cool End Sequence... It's so atmospheric and sleek, very done Moog and a compliment to Drax for the original...;-)
Excellent Jan Hammer-esque solos. But I don´t like the piano-loop.
Now, this really rulaz!
AMAZING PRODUCTION, gorgous sounds, where as this guy come from?, anyway its great to have new blood in our scene!!!!
Remixer of the year? .. Keep up this kinda work and it'll be undisputed
Goose-bump tastic. This is soooo nice.
I guess it's a bit Thanatos :-) Besides that, very well done indeed, but I can't give it a red one...
Whee, like it!
Fu*k! I dunno what to write even more positive about moog anymore!! So I will start requesting/suggesting SIDs now: So what about a perfect style HADES NEBULA remix next time? ;-D Sebastian, whoever you are! You _are_ brilliant! It starts scaring me..;-)
Extremely emotive synth usage, sometimes the piano velocity hits a little too hard, but everything else is spectacular really.
I seem to like this one better and better by the day... Sounds just RIGHT!:)
Simply awesome! Virtuosity.
Love the smooth synth..
This is simply great. Period.
Oh my good thats great!! Great sound
Xcuse me why I lay down and make a wet pillow....
DZIWKA!!!! This is the ultimate smooth lay down and listen to track - amazing work my friend - and yes my polish is getting better as you can see. Stunning work!
Amazing remix.
Cool stuff made by a cool artist! Great work!!! Added to my collection.
First imression is too short but overall speaking it is great chill out track.
Oh yes. That's it. Perfect! I love this remix
Haha, I agree with Chris :) C'grats, flawless production.
Pretty, pretty, prettyyyy cool.
Relaxing but not outstanding
That its soo fucking good :D I like it!!!
Nicely done.
Review by romeo_knight
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating
First of all he absolutely catched the serene mood of the sid and increased it dramatically. Then the tune gets the dynamic kick it needs when the rhythm section comes in - so a great curve of intensity builds up and comes down in the end again. What I especially like about this is that it feels as epic and emotional as a film score without trying to copy the sound of a real orchestra (what most of the times fails when using samples anyway).
Technically flawless. Perfect choice of sounds.
Nuff said. 😊