moog (Sebastian Bachliñski) - Silhouette

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60. in the year 2007
946. in all-time charts
Top Rankings

3 c64 charts October 2007

Nice remix, but it's just to simple jamming for me, no suprises...
The usual silky smoothness of Moog shines here, too. Lots of emotional content thanks to the nuanced lead instrument. Well put together. Verrrry nice!
I could listen to this all day its fecking great - simple yet great!
First time I listened to this one I didn't like it. At all. Now I really dig it. Makes me feel depressed.. In a good way if you know what I mean. Now I know which song to listen to when feeling blue.
Really emotional! Great mixing as usual! But you had better ones here already. Still a great mix to listen to though!
I for one, think the lead sound is a bit too dominating and monotonous. But the tune is nice and the quality of the mix is good, so.. The background stuff however, is just lovely.
This has taken me on a very nice ride quite a few times now. Very nice build up and pay off.
Simply beautiful! Takes a while till it gets to the point but then it becomes really emotional. I love that very unique moog style, especially that lead sound. Added to my collection right away.
Beautiful piano piece

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