moog (Sebastian Bachliñski) - Supremacy

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35. in the year 2011
813. in all-time charts
Movie Soundtrack!
Love the percussion, and how the tune whole tune stays so close to the original.
It is brill in its own way. For me, this remix feels like putting Chuck Norris into a fairy tale :) Great work but Machinae Supremacy captured the essence better I think, even if it works as just an intro in their medley.
Awesome when played over the SID. :D Nicely done but it needs more of that epic Glyn R Brown Symphonic sound.
Great rendition but just falls a little short of outstanding for me.
My opinion best of Supremacy cover.
Wow, this sophisticated remix just got some energy that blew the roof in my building! I am missing some punch, but hey this is big gun :)
Nice track... Although, it's building up to become something more, but never reaches the hight you would expect.
Not my favorite moog! :(
Worthy of being played at the Proms and no joke. Maybe we should all call for a special Gaming History Prom next year.
+1 with ryrynz and slaygon about max energy
Że tak to ujmę, świetna robota :) aż się łezka kręci gdy tylko sobie czasy C64 przypomnę
Very nice version
Incredibly wonderful music
Very good, near to excellent
Review by LaLa


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

I'm sure I am being very tough on you with my vote, Sebastian, but unfortunately for you, Supremacy is one of those tunes about which I have a very precise ''remix'' in my head whenever I listen to the original SID. Yours comes tantalizingly close to that in some aspects, but other times it veers away too much.

Let's start with the intro which is a single-instrument solo in the original. You have used a clarinet (?) for that, which I am not too crazy about, but you also added very nice piano riffs to it, which I found a pleasant surprise and it works wonderfully.

Then when the melody repeats, you added an orchestral arrangement - me likey!

Then the transition has a rather weak drum in it. Needs more power, more oomph! More orchestral instrumentation follows - me likey! Then it turns into a sort of modern game soundtrack (orchestral with heavy drums), although yet again the arrangement could've used more power, more charisma.

First bridge - quiet. I like it, although I think it should be more subtle, more quiet. Then a nice crescendo that doesn't have quite enough build-up. Weak or non-existent drums again in the transition.

I find the second bridge a bit weak, and the rest sounds curiously unfulfilling to me.

So, I guess two of my biggest complaints here would be that a) your remix does not have enough dynamic range between the subtle and powerful parts, and b) your instrumentation is lacking some oomph.

There is one really, really amazing thing about your remix, though: I can play it in parallel with the original SID and two are in lock-step throughout the ENTIRE piece! Cheers for that! =)

Sorry for tearing apart your remix in a play-by-play, but I am very passionate about this tune. I can hardly listen to it without conducting my virtual orchestra inside my head. =)