Mordi - Sweet (ft Gibs)

Track info
Arranged by:
Mordi Veteran
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Original SID:
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On album:
Charts position:
10. in the year 2022
148. in all-time charts
Digital Album
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Review by LaLa


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Wow, wow, wow!

Be impressed by my triple-wow, because this being my all-time favorite SID, I am especially picky about remixes that attempt to re-interpret it.

At first I found the intro a bit too slow, but it's growing on me. The silk-soft lead instrument and the overall softness of the entire production is impressive. It would be hard to top the expressive Yamaha CS-80 lead that Marcel Donne put into his remix, but you've done a great job here, Mordi.

When the guitar lead kicks in, it really tickles my heart, makes my legs tremble, tears form in my eyes, and gives me goosebumps - just like it does when I listen to the original SID. Which means that this remix manages to evoke the same emotions in me, and that's no small feat.

Also kudos for the beautiful coda you've added to the end, it's such attention to the detail in the arrangement that makes this remix truly outstanding.

Thank you, Mordi, for this remix! I'll carry it in my heart forever.