MRT - Artillery (demo music)

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MRT Veteran
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Charts position:
9. in the year 2017
232. in all-time charts
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1 c64 charts June 2017

This guy is so good!
This is the best song
Amazing remix 😀
No comments, absolutely speechless!
Wow! Spot-on choice of instruments, great attention to detail. I'd have loved even more work with the dynamics, but no matter what this is what a great C=64 remix should be like. Thumbs up, kudos, all that stuff!
Wonderful sax!!
Powerful sound, great Remix!
Holy… I'm not worthy…
Magnificent production, love the 80s sound but I would have preferred to hear something more true to the original SID.
Nice one!
That gave me some real chills and probably one of my favourites for this year so far
Very good!
Dont know the tune, but this is gooood!
Nice stuff!
Love Geir Tjelta and this is a fantastic interpretation. Thank you!
Some fresh and interesting new ideas here in this well done take on the original. For me, it lacks a bit in the dinamics departement, and it fail to retain the strength of the original melodies. But good work on the mix anyhow 😊
Review by Remodeler


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Possibly the best SID tune of the modern era, taken in a new direction. I had started work on a cover of this myself, but you've done a lot more with it than I ever could. I only ever imagined it done with guitars, but although this isn't the remix I had been waiting for, it's nice that someone did it so well.
Review by LaLa


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Wonderfully arranged, skillfully instrumented, and superbly mixed (really clean and straightforward mix!). Sure, the sax could've had some more emotion put into it, but it sounds really good as is. I only wish this remix contained the beautiful main melody of the original even more.