MRT - Plastic Pop

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5. in the year 2017
129. in all-time charts
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1 c64 charts November 2017

ROTY 2017

3 Best c64 Remix

One of the best Plastic Pop arrangements ever. If not the best.
Well done! A pleasant listening experience. Edit: Relistening two months later. It's really nice!
MRT and Danko o/ O/ o/
A surprisingly downtempo, melancholic arrangement, which I didn't think I'd like, but this is expertly crafted! Just lovely!
Awesome. Really enjoying this :-)
The whole idea of this remix is just genuis and fresh I wish it was 1-2 minutes longer and it would have been perfect
Would like something more like Apollo2k's version but no denying the quality of this.
Listen - vote - repeat...:)
Not my kind of stuff at all (there is no blood) but it is quality at its best. Great work!
I adore "plastic pop" and like MRTs work. This version is a bit too dreamy, kitschy and slow for me, but still a pleasure to hear it.
"Awesomeness" in one word!! Thanks
Really nice!!
Great stuff!
Awesome, especially the bass line
Out of 200+ remixes, this is not the worst one
Review by Danko


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Maybe I don't know everything about Plasticpop. However, I did author the original version so there's that. Mordi found something in that 15 minute c64 sid thing I did as a joke back in the days. I had no idea Plasticpop had so much nostalgia, Mordi found it. 200+ something shitty remixes later (not here, on YouTube, look it up sorry), MRT adds quality to his remix.