MRT - Supremacy

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MRT Veteran
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Charts position:
19. in the year 2016
650. in all-time charts
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1 c64 charts May 2016

Almost perfect remix of Supremacy if it wasn't for the violins not quite being violins.
Nice tune, but not the best of MRT....
Excellent E L E C T R O
Great remix nice mixture a pleasure for my ears
Very nice! Mix is outstanding!
A unique take on a classic tune, bringing a fresh perpsective to it. Some of the instruments sound a bit thin, but the arrangement is outstanding.
Liked it a lot and I really mean that, but the electronic voice on some parts was too loud and grating when played loud, but otherwise great!
Agree that a nicer violin would lift it, and that the bass drum is probably a little over bassy.
Thats nice!
I miss some sludge metal part as well as a death star and a gamma ray burst around the end with 400ms slapback delay. I can't give an orange face as I started to develop some allergy to that fruit recently. I start to sneeze after eating it. Damn. Cheers!
Solid eletro style - love it! Nice Robot speech!
Best remix of this tune! Violin is maybe not really the right one. Main synth instrument from Koto-Visitors sounds similiar and I guess it would fit very good in your mix.
I don't care about technical details... I just love how it sounds.
Review by Boz


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Great tune by Jeroen Tel and MRT has done his thing again. This would have been a TOP MARK from me, except Fake Violins Are Fake. Either get a better library or use a synth-violin, so we know they're meant to be fake, and not fall into the grey-area where we ask is that supposed to be a real string?.
Review by Chris Abbott


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

I agree with Boz, because it mixes lots of my favourite things… but I'm a lot less inclined to be harsh on the violins because this reminds me of a Test-card piece from the mid-80s which did the same thing. It would be churlish of me to deny this a red smiley.
Review by Mordi


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Cool! Tiptoes around the theme for a while, and when the lead enters at around 1:00 it goes into goosebump territory. I agree on the violin - it doesn't work well IMO. And there is a bit much subbass to my taste, but these things don't matter too much as the song itself is great.
Review by Grigul


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Well, I have my problems with that tune. MRT, please, don't be angry while reading this, but this tune is not your best one. It's a nice one, but not more. It is nothing which can kick my from my chair, it is nothing which make me dance. Nice to listen to - but that's it.
The most problem I have with this tune are not the violins as like as Boz, Mordi and Chris Abbott have written. My personal problem with that tune are: The drums.
Your version of Supremacy, MRT, is a chilling one, compared to the other already existing versions of other arrangers. For just the melody and what you made of it, it's a good tune. But the drums you use make the whole song restless. For a calm melody you should - in my opinion - use a calm drum. You used a restless drum (or drumkit, whatever…). I hear more of the drums than the melody. That ruins the song.
I'm sorry, but this is not my taste. So I can give only a yellow smile - but, to be honest, not more.
Maybe your next tune will be better for me 😊
Please remember, MRT: this ist just mine opinion. Other will maybe agree, others will maybe disagree - we will see…