Mutherpluckin' B - Warhawk (Don't Feed the Warhawk mix)
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Mutherpluckin' B Veteran
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Charts position:
191. in the year 2009
3851. in all-time charts
3851. in all-time charts
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ZZ Top meets Jerry Lee Lewis in the garage. Quite cute. Could use a bit more dynamic soundscape, though.
Awesome piano+guitar intro. Then the main tune kicks in with a totally misplaced synth lead that doesn't really go well with the rest. Replace it with the piano from the intro and you've got a winner.
Amazing rock/country flavour! Brilliant, but this tune has one BIG SCAR.... I mean brass which u used in the first part of your remix. Please change this, and send me that song to 'the_gullwing@interia. Pl'. Greetz, Luther :)
Great mix but what the hell is that lead synth? ! .. Shame coz this could have been outstanding.
Cool sound, although it has a lot of pretty major flaws at points in the technical playing... Pretty cool none the less.
I want to rate this higher because the idea is great (and both the intro and outro are fantastic), but there are too many timing issues and the ill fitting leads just destroy it.
As individual parts it works, together it doesnt and I dunno why just seems a wee bit "misplaced".. But its still enjoyable to listen too
Aargh... This synth lead.... Replace it and you will get much better votes
Excellent intro, but that lead really sucks...
The intro is great... Sorry, but cant get used to the lead synth
Can't agree with the lead, either. And I get the feeling the track dissolves into timing chaos towards the end. The idea could have been a hit, though. Average by "technical K. O. ", I guess...
Big smile in the beginning, then the Warhawk theme starts and lose me. I wish the entire song had been kept in the rock'n'roll style without involving synths and stuff...
It could be very good remix if kept in the rock and roll way... But instead it became averge ending and middle
Î'm sorry, but the lead synth ruins it all..
Points from me for the ambitious rock band approach. I get bothered by the untightness and the lead instrument though.
After your brilliant (un)Sanxion remix, I was quite eager to hear something new from you. Well, this one is not what I suspected. The beginning is superb, but the unfitting lead synth destroys all. Drums have some timing issues, too.
Very good intro, after it becomes wierd... Bad synth
Review by LaLa
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating
All in all, the basic idea is great, the backing tracks are arranged very well. Change or at least tone down that sharp synth lead, and it'll surely get some red smilies!