Nada - Ghouls 'n Ghosts (Tales Of Your Life)

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Charts position:
184. in the year 2005
4155. in all-time charts
Full kudos for trying something different but just doesnt work
Only Hazel can use that breakbeat sample :) This is a little boring and sometime the drums run out of sync
I guess I'm on my own here... But this rocks imho
A different idea maybe, but it's just a bit too repetitive and doesn't make use of the tune to its full potential, not enough emotion here either.
I cant help. Think I become a Nada fan. Another great mixture between the Chemical Brothers and David Holmes. Welcome to the next millenium remix. Kwed. Org. Thats fresh music...
Hmmm, parts I like and parts I really don't like. Pretty much rounds up to an average for me.
I really like your style. This could easily go somewhere. I'm looking forward to seeing more stuff from you.
It's pretty good, the drums are simply fantastic, my comments stay the same as what I said on your BMX Kidz mix really ;=)
Had to update my vote to good. Because this track really feels groovy after a few listens.:)
Something completly different... And not an easy one to start of remixing... Some flaws... But at morning I am at a good mood :-)
I like it! Makes me feel allright!
Pretty decent tune, very moody. Sounds a bit unmastered.
Plenty of potential here - would like to hear a more polished version of it! Kudos for effort, interpretation and for trying something new!
Really nice vibe! Reminds me of the old James Tayler Quartet.. Must be some kind of nostalgia then... Just like this whole C64 thingy anyway..:)
Good one, but not my taste!
Not bad at all. The vocals are a bit repetitive and not in timing with the music in some places. In fact it quite spoiled the whole thing for me. The music is between outstanding and great though.

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