NecroPolo - BC Bill (Dreadnought on the Fly)

Track info
Arranged by:
NecroPolo Veteran
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Charts position:
14. in the year 2011
434. in all-time charts


BC Bill was one of the first games I could successfully load from tape (…do you remember endless tape head adjusting…? ) so its tunes were among the first SID experiences I've ever had. I often played these themes as some kind of small trainers on an acoustic guitar I had at the time. After an approx. 25-years long gap, we recorded acoustic guitars for a band called Burnout recently. Recording gear was tuned for that instrument and I had a free hour to fiddle with the guitar and gear between two recording sessions and this theme was the first that came to my mind. The guitar was the same Ibanez dreadnought that I used in the KAOS track. One small diaphragm condenser (aimed to the soundhole, far) and one dynamic (aimed to the bridge, close) mics were wired into somewhat driven TLAudio preamps. For gentle final ironing and ambience SSL Duende plug-ins were used. I wanted some rough attitude natural feel so there is no editing.


Thank you for all the feedback😉


BC Bill (Dreadnought on the Fly)
Vote distribution
Top Rankings

1 c64 charts April 2011

Loving this! Only thing it's lacking is a rough voice to sing about the hardships of life etc, performed around the camp fire. And of course the camp fire acoustics. But other than that, it's perfect!:)
Great piece of playing and a song that (to my knowledge) hasn't been touched before. Great quality, great mastering.
BC Bill recreated as accoustic bluesguitar. Absolutely Stunning! Could this be the start of a new subgenre of C64 remixes? I sure hope so.
Unique staff my friend!;)
Well played, well recorded, well arranged, well god darn pour me as whisky and pass me that there banjo pardner yeehaww. No really its really really good
NecroPolo may have the blues but I havent after listening to this, superb guitar work.
Great guitar work!
Great piece, great cover, have to agree with Slaygon, this could actually do with some lyrics!
Guitar... Jeah, great work - I'm waiting for more!
Sweet :)
Nice guitar play, but there's obviously not much effort behind this.
Love the sound of this. Great work!
Indeed... You got the blues!
Cool idea... Just lacks some funky blues singing above it and it could be THE burner for the moment for sure! :-D
Equally well made as the Giana Sisters piano remix by Christian Vestergaard. Same score for me. Can't say it's an outstanding job, because it's no arrangement or instrument creation involved. But it just hits the nail on the head: Plain, simple, perfect!
Works for me. Sounds live and authentic
Ho yeah! Nice and clean!
Groovy, one of the remix tunes I keep comming back to all the time
Stunning guitar work, man!
Stunning tune, so simple but yet so effective and skillfully done!
Review by Waxhead


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Just the guitar, but the guitar got so much character and the rhythm overall is fantastic. Well done! 😊