NecroPolo - Dixie Bits (country punk edition)
1102. in all-time charts
This one is a little medley of these good old feelgood SIDs:
- Gilligan's Gold (sub 2 and 4) / David Dunn
- Kong Strikes Back / Martin Galway
- Microprose Soccer (sub 9) / Martin Galway
- Superpipeline II (many subs) / Paul Hodgson
Conisdering the mix, it has a really simple construction, either as arrangement and number of tracks. It is basically: 4 guitar tracks, a bass, a really basic drumset using brushes instead of sticks and a Roland synth as piano (that's the only 'plastic' instrument in this one). There were no efforts of changing the world
, I have just always liked these SIDs and wanted to make a remix that is fun to play. That is fulfilled, sure, I enjoyed working on this one quite much
About the making: recording, mixing and mastering form zero to final was really fast and fluent, approx. one day altogether. Well, I can't tell the same about learning the themes. Because of using real instruments there was no midi programming and my mind caused load errors occassionally It's been ages that I last played this music style (back in the first years of learing to play the guitar) so I must admit that I was quite rusty at the start when I tried to build the guitar chord lines from scratch, I had to fight with it a little. After a while as memories of old chord patterns slowly returned back to my mind, everything worked pretty well.
The basic idea was to make this old style music with some new style touch, using various guitar sounds, with some Bud Spencer fighting scene vs cartoon car chase
flavour. I used a Warmoth LPS axe, the very same that you can see on the cover of rakBIT. This guitar is armed with a Seymour Duncan '59 pickup in the neck position that I used all through this tune so you can consider that as a tech demo of the '59 with clean, semi-driven and hard driven preamp settings, as pure as possible. I did not use a real amp this time, only a Korg G1 pre through a somewhat driven TLA FatMan. The cleans were recorded with the FatMan only.
I'd like to say my thanks to Hermit and Chabee who made early crash test drives of this fun track
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating
I'm waiting for next release my friend😉
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating
This remix should be included as a bonus track on a re-release of Reyn's The Blithe, the Blend and the Bizarre - it'd be a perfect fit.
I'd be a bit happier if it was more uptempo, but that's the only complaint I could think of for this piece.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating