NecroPolo - MSI Demo (Barebone Fusion mix feat SID)

Track info
MSI Demo (Barebone Fusion mix feat SID)
Arranged by:
NecroPolo Veteran
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Original SID:
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Charts position:
28. in the year 2015
740. in all-time charts

This arrangement was created by Hermit, my bassist mate in SIDrip back in 2010. We played this track onstage a couple of times during scene parties so the 'feat SID' misses a 'rip' in the title. The stage version included Werdy on the synths.


This actual track was recorded about 2 years ago when I set the guitar sound for the ReLive album, I used Bjerregaard's MSI song as a guitar test track for it:


SIDrip - ReLive


I just reduced the stage version to a drums-bass-guitar trio as and added few bits here and there, '80s easy fusion style. The drums were created with EZD then I recorded the bass guitar. The guitar track was armed and I just started jammin'. You can hear an AMT M1 preamp here with its cab sim out that was directly plugged into the sound card. On the ReLive album at a later phase it was relpaced with an AMT P1 through a power amp and a Laney Greenback cab + microphones, the old-school way.


I'm sure it's not note correct to the original SID, I just tried to capture the feel. After 2 years in the box, the tune was released @ÁROK Party 2015, placed 4th where all higher ranks were won by friends of mine that made me much happier than winning something


The guitar was the 25-years old Hohner L75 that was under restoring (and unfinished) at the time and became ready around early 2014:





Thanks for all the feedback folks! I really appreciate that.

Zio + Teo: It is nice to say that but I am absolutely happy with the result during the compo. Anyway, I always keep my fingers crossed for the fellow competitors during the compos, especially when they are so great folks like you guys. Seeing Zio's happiness when she received the #1 prize C64 machine was the real prize for me

Top Rankings

3 c64 charts August 2015

Nice! Half-time shuffles are few and far between on RKO. Badass guitars.
Great one NecroPolo! Csak azt nem ertem, miert ez nem nyert, kilogott a mezönyböl felfele!
Yes, Necro should win the compo with that one, very decent well-balanced track :)
A proper touch of class here. Super!
Top-notch guitar work as is usual from NecroPolo, very creative arrangement. Szówal nadjon teccik!:-)
TOOL TIME! - I don't think so, Tim... Awesome job right there! Though, I feel something's missing, not sure what it is though
So laid back - much like a jamming session - but a really nice track none the less
Real band playing?
A few timing issues, but nice jamming anyway!
Like that!
Like it very much!
Guitars are fine
Definitely a great Guitar-Style Remix! Like It!
Some badass guits in this remix!
Review by McLord


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Sorry i'n not english but this remix is awesome 😊 guitar and bass are real like a band.