NecroPolo - Test Drive (I REALLY mean teh floppy remix)

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57. in the year 2012
2212. in all-time charts

I was testing the recently released 'TeH Fl0ppy' dynamic sound library by Strayworx with this short one. The pack contains samples of various FDDs, notes ranging from C1 to D#4. At the moment Kontakt and Renoise are supported (expanding) but it works pretty fine with SFZ / SF2 VSTi players like Cakewalk's free one so you can use with any DAW that you like.


Check it if you like. It's fun.

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2 c64 charts May 2012

Great idea. Funny!
Outstanding - the idea alone! And even the sound reminds to the original!
Just trying to discourage these stupid remixes. What happened to the filter? How is this better than SID + drums?
Yeah really funny idea! Some diversity can't harm now and then!
LOL, pretty cool.
Lol, nice one!
I've played with stepper motors and music, so maybe I can appreciate this more than the average person, but I'm still amazed by how well this adaption works! When I listen to the original now all I can hear are steppers!
OldSk00l! =) If you enjoyed this, WATCH this video!
Very unique and amazing really.
If this has not been a disk drive sample collection, I would have given an oustanding! Check UTube for disk/printer/scanner/ukulele version of "imperial march" and you get the idea...
Amazing what you did but I cant listen to it long than some seconds
But sounds more like a 3. 5" than a 5.25" :)... But in a way this is Art-Junk, isn't it?
Ahhhhh... Commooooon :/
Genius, and genuinely fun to listen to. Inspired approaches to remixing should not be dissed, philistines, surely there are enough SID dance remixes?.
Live version of this, please ;)
BAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Funny idea here!! :-D
LMAO & <3 for the feeling of first time hearing when the beat starts kicking in :D Getting office-playtime here.
Nice idea, but...
Does a floppy drive count as percussion?
Eszméletlen jó! Ekkora feelinget!! Amazing!
Eeeeeeeeheheeeeeeeehehehe. Eee... ödöödöööödöödöödödödödödödöööödödöööööö - this. Is. Great.!
Always forgot to vote for this one even if it's from 2017. It's just playing on slayradio so I thought: DO IT NOW!!!! What an excellent track. Always love it when I hear it somewhere.
Review by bgmnt


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

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… something very different. i like it very much! all the haters are close minded 😊