nightwolf - Bombjack
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Arranged by:
nightwolf Veteran
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Charts position:
186. in the year 2005
4213. in all-time charts
4213. in all-time charts
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Why am I thinking of the Fast Food Rockers right now?
Lacks a bit of imagination in my opinion. Very clean and clear mixing though!
A bit unimaginative, sounds like Stock Aitken and Waterman mixed with the Fast Food Rockers, and not enough of the tune covered either. Needs more work.
It works, but I really cant abide the drum that plays throughout.
Where is the rest of the tune? This is only a poor dance mix of a 5 second melody done in a hurry.
Lacks development and flair, much too short.
Sounds like cheap techno-trash…
Not that bad for his first try 😊
OMG, this is cheeeeeeeesy!! Had a 90s dancefloor flash back just now. 😃
The backbeat sound is disturbing harmonically and it has too much delay.
Have I ever mentioned how tired I am of Bombjack? But I admit this tune is one of the better versions of it. Though a few weak parts. And I don't know if the fact that it's 1:25 short is positive or negative. It's got speeeed though.
Nice and playful, to the point, doesn't drag on - this is very enjoyable!
If it is a joke, I can appreciate the fun, but as a musical attept, this is awfull.
It's really not that bad, has a 'happy' feeling 😀
Happy, bouncy version. Somewhere between Average and Good!
Avarage but missing ~70%
I really like it of course there are alot of remix for this but still its one of the best for me.
Review by evilcensor
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating
Review by Double_maggic
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating