o2 - Zoids

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Charts position:
3. in the year 2000
301. in all-time charts
I have always loved Zoids so i just had to remix this one. I started on it and did many different styles on Zoids. I wasnt very happy with any of them. But then i bought a Novation Supernova and i was stunned. So many lovley sounds in that machine. And then i thought.. Hey i can do that with that sound in Zoids. I started to work on Zoids again and with a new SYNTH and sounds i always wanted (Whaoo). So Novation Supernova is the machine i used to do Zoids. And is still the machine that does most work in my remixes.
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Top Rankings

3 c64 charts 2000

2 c64 charts July 2000

ROTY 2001

3 Most Innovative Remix (c64 or Amiga)

Very very very outstanding :)
Oh sorry fell up from somewhere really nice. Big fat red one!
Love it
Wonderful! Added to my collection.
Excellent, I have found Jarre's fealings in this tune :D
Agreed with ommoroca - wonderful!
How such a small tune can be so much beautiful
Best version of zoids. Obvious Jarre influence. Great stuff
Excellent, I do wish it got a bit more aggressive.
Review by OJ Oscillation


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

This is the one version of getting my blunt lightened. those pure athmopheric ambience makes me go into myself and chill out to a great melody. also the mixdown could have been much more bombasticly, eventually, but i can't keep stop floating away. someone should throw an anchor for me.
o2 knows how to feed you without any oxygenmask.
keep breathin' this sound.
Review by mahoney


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Carsten, excellent lead instruments, a great atmosphere and a 100% performance makes this an outstanding remix. Though, if I had to rank your mixes, Nemesis the Warlock takes the first place. It has a few more surprises and a natural evolution, where this Zoids-remix has a more constant, steady flow of entangling sounds and notes! Great music, by a great remixer! 😃
Review by tom


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

If somebody knows how to sound like JARRE, then it's definitely O2.
A great remix of a great SID! It shows me that the man behind the machines is important, not the machines behind a man ;o)…
which means i do own a SUPANOVA, too, but i can't make it sounds like JARRE!!!
Review by LaLa


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Well, well, this is not exactly how I always imagined this track, in fact, this is totally opposite of that - but it's f*ing awesome! Okay, okay, I admit: the reason I like this cover is because it sounds so much like one of my favorite composers, Jarre. 😊 No, seriously, this cover is a perfect example that we are all different (thank God!), and that two people can interpret the same SID in entirely different ways. And on top if it, it's very well done, too. Sounds like something right out of Oxygene (or O2 - get it?) or other early Jarre albums. Who would've thunk that Zoids could've been composed by JMJ?… … I am impressed! (Maybe I should play a little prank on the people of the Jarre mailing list and present this track to them as a recently unearthed, so far unreleased early Jarre composition.😉
Review by snorbaard


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

I found this remix a few years ago on the internet, and have always kept it in whatever my play-of-the-year is, always rated tops.
Although I missed Zoids the Game, I was a huge C64 fan in the early 90's, ending up owning three, and the SID chip awed me from the beginning, and still does.
o2's remix of Zoids has the unerring ability to make me nostalgic for the 'good old days'. For the emotional quotient that this song has, I must rate it tops.
Thanks o2.
Review by countzorg


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

I have come back to this, after hearing back in the early 2000s. It still feels as good as the day I heard it.
Beautiful. The fact you used the SuperNova confirms its brilliance too.

You have made Zoids into a sonic masterpiece.