oscar blake - ocean game loader

Track info
Arranged by:
oscar blake Remixer
Original SID:
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Charts position:
255. in the year 2007
4954. in all-time charts
Far too analogue and squelchy and the timing's all wrong in parts, plus some of the sounds are really badly mixed and don't sound in tune whatsoever. Needs more work.
Nice tribute to the analogue synth music era. Out of tune sometimes.
Meh, nothing really going for this remix. A little thin and boring.
Sounds a little like a Kraftwerk tune and yes out of tune in places and wrong in others, but its not bad - just needs some more work.
How did this get through the filter? Sorry, but it hurts to listen to this.
Interesting approach but Electro does not necessarily mean to fuck up all harmonies.
Naja, netter Versuch. Aber irgendwie... Nicht "passend"
Its a good idea but not very well pulled off, theres alot of talent here.. Sounds like you may have rushed it at the end oscar, hope your next remix reflects the obvious talent shown here.. Keep it up, not a good hit here, you only burnt the paintwork
Out of tune is the least you can say about this one.. Horribly mixed together and I feel this to be a disgrace for the original tune.
THis suffers with lots of bad timing issues, as well as the bad notes that are too obviously wrong. Nice idea, but executed poorly.
The sounds are just poor, monotone sound. Sorry, but you need to try some more... And btw, Martin Galway didn't compose that tune...
Wrong chords! Wrong notes! Bad choice of instruments! Sounds out of tune at 0:47! Only the drums and the LFO effects are nice, but that's not enough.
I really like the first half of the tune, but the harmonies sound out in the second half.
Nauseating filtering, too much high-end, too little low-end... Uhh...
Not good, not bad, totall average.
Interesting... I like lead synth and use of vocoder. Still, whole tune is lifeless.
I *really* like analouge stuff... But this is a pain...
Okok, it's a personal point of view, but it's very old schooled
Whatever other people means: I find it not bad ;-)
It's OK, but not good, just average to me.

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