Peter Clarke - Defender of the crown (The Elf's Story)

Track info
Arranged by:
Peter Clarke Specialist
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Original SID:
Original composed by:
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Charts position:
8. in the year 2019
168. in all-time charts

A remix incorporating 6 sub-tunes from the game and narrated in 'Elvish' by… An Elf… (One of the only races who live long enough to pass the tale down)


If you want to know what the elf is saying, (my Elvish isn't perfect)… ..but I've provided a rough translation here:


The Elf's Story


It isn't a REAL orchestra but it is a real Elf…


I've got to mention LaLa here… Imre, my friend. You have been a brilliant, 'fresh set of ears', during the creation of this piece. Your input & suggestions have been both valuable & welcome… Thank you!


Roughly a months work to weave this into a musical story about a murdered king, a lost crown & a hero who saves England..

Top Rankings

3 c64 charts October 2019

ROTY 2019

1 Best c64 Remix

This is good for my elf.
Elf. Exactly. One louder.
This is so well put together. A phenomenal remix. Well done
Contains some great stuff! Love theme is my fav!
So the soundtrack is ready. When is the movie going to be released? Simply amazing from start to finish.
Lala knows what's good. Nicely done! All time number one already? What the heck!
Gives the tune a well earned fresh rebuild!
Immensely beautiful.
If all remixes (no matter the style) were so well produced, my playlist would only include music from Amiga Remixes…
Lovely suite.
Real neat! Please give the elf a pat on the back. That's some A+ grade Sindarin pronounciation!
Very nice made - even I don't know what's that elf thingy is about K)
Awesome, as nearly everything from Peter.
The definitive version of the DotC soundtrack. Outstanding work Peter.
One word: fantastic!
Review by C64_Gamer


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

This is the absolute best remix I've heard on here. It's 10 minutes of pure storytelling, seamlessly pit together by someone who really knows what they're doing. Technically, its flawless. Nostalgically, it puts you right back in the game and artistically, the added background sounds are superbly placed and appropriate. Overall, this suite of music has atmosphere and great emotion. It gave me goosebumps in places. Really, really well done.

This really deserves it's place, high up in both charts. Just the 1st listen tells you how good the quality of this soundtrack is. I can't imagine how long it took to make or how much work went in to get the attention to detail that is here.
Review by Grigul


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

As I heared the few seconds a the title music of DotC, I instantly had some scenes of this great Game in my mind. I also remembered that I never succeeded to raid a castle… oh, memories, welcome to 2019. Wonderful track.
Review by LaLa


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Two years later and still top-notch… Full disclosure: I was fortunate enough to have listened to various work-in-progress versions of this track thanks to Pete, and he was gracious enough to even incorporate some of my suggestions into his remix. Which is why I held back on reviewing this track until now. But I think now that nearly two years have passed since, I can do it in good conscience. Although to be honest, there's not much to say about this other than this is how orchestral remixes should be done. And what's really brilliant about this remix is that it incorporates all the major themes (subtunes) of the original SID in one single coherent piece. The various game tunes are weaved together seamlessly, and the resulting epic brings the listener on a grand journey, following the classic story arc of opening-crisis-climax-resolution. The 9+ minutes of this piece just flies by, which is always a good sign. This to me is the definitive Defender of the Crown remix, and I'm sure Richard Joseph would've approved of it, too. I can't think of a better way to honor his legacy than with this remix.