Peter W - Outrun (No Speed Limit Remix)

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Peter W Adept
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Charts position:
41. in the year 2007
683. in all-time charts
I decided to make some fresh cottage cheese, musically speaking that is. Anyway, I wanted to make a crispy sounding outrun remix with some minor melodic changes. I felt a need for it to be upbeat and trancy but have a distinct groovy feel to it.
Top Rankings

3 c64 charts August 2007

Out Run's been done this way a million different times before - even if there's bits that sway off from the original that add a little, it just doesn't do enough. It's solid enough in terms of production and noteworthiness...
A little raw-sounding for my taste!
It was some nice unz, but not as epic as the instant remedy version.
It's good, but lacks something...
It whines more like a children's song with all that high-pitched and pitch-sliding noise than something trancy. Bells? Oh, please. Yes, it isn't horrible, but I can't get myself to like it.
This is great! ... Nice trancy mix, with ATB slides and the occational SID'ish sound. Remixed a lot of times? What the hell! Don't let that stop you!
Outrun was never a good C64 tune, the arcade version ruled and nothing ever matched it. This is good - when the actual Magical Sound Shower melody plays, it's on the money - a lot of Outrun re-mixes miss the funkiness of the arcade version. Good work!
Absolutely fanschmabulous!!!
Now this is nice! So many nice details in it! Very good!
Some serious unz here! Great production but im too not really fond with some of the lead instruments.
This is the best Outrunremix I find (sorry for my bad english)
Nice stuff, some instruments are a bit off...
Very nice. The cars in the background kind of reminds me of cyb0rgjeff's version of f-zero even though it's not here on rko :)
Great sounds...
Gets the adrenaline going.......
This one certainly rules the Instant Remedy version away, which is good too, ofcourse. Well who cares if anything has been remixed before? If he can do it better, let him!!
Soooooo good, found it on LastFM!
Fantastic track! Fast, furious, outrun! A really nice track and the reason for me to join the community!
Very nice!
Loving it!
Review by kjetiln


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

I must say, I like this much more than my own remix from the same year! 😃 Yeah, it's a little dated, but it's still fun, and I really like the variation on the melody in the second half. It gets stuck in your head!