Putzi - Last Ninja 2 Central Park (full direct cover-mix)

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Putzi Specialist
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Charts position:
97. in the year 2003
3054. in all-time charts
Well, what to say about this cover?
First, wanted to make a remix, but then it sounded all too good to me to destroy it by remixing the holy sacred Central Park theme and made it much like the original. One guy from the Last Ninja mailing list said
It really sounds like _the real song_ while the in-game tune now seems its Midi version.

If the hardcore Last Ninja-fans like this tune, my mission was successful.

Thanx for alpha/beta-listening to Kai Spitzley, Sonic Wanderer, 2Klang and ofcourse The Last Ninja-mailing list!

Even if the mix sounds like SID, this one was created using VSTi, but not QuadraSID. The first time I heard reFX BEAST making a bass-sound, I knew I had to do Central Park with it

PS.: you get the deep boom of the basedrum only with a sub-woofer 😉
One more Last Ninja 2 remix that sounds like all the other Last Ninja 2 remixes! Not bad, but nothing special either!
Review by ifadeo


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Well, this is NOT just another Last Ninja 2 remix… A good selection of Sounds and a clever way to place them, putzi catch the spirit of 80's and it sounds in my Ears a little bit like, New Order esp. the bassline.

From all Last Ninja remixes which appear in the last time at R:K:O:, this is one of my favorites!!!

off-topic: btw. did you know subtune 1 has exactly the same bassline, funny…😉

cheers ifadeo
Review by Tas


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

In this electronical version on Last Ninja 2 Central Park, putzi has tried to remain true to the original as described in the title i guess. Arguably maybe a little too close. The remix suffers really from having a lack of direction or feel and often sounds flat and lifeless.

There's a noticable lack of oomph or wholeness here that despite a nice background beat fails to meat its mark. Generally it's a nice remix, but nothing that you'd miss if it was stolen.
Review by wwwwolf


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Not bad. This is definitely among the greatest synth-sound versions I've heard. Usually synth versions tend to fail to amaze me - my Nostalgic Impression score can't go above average unless you make a rock / heavy metal remix of this. And truth to tell, I've grown so used to the original's amazing sounds that this modern synth-stuff sounds awfully hollow in comparison.

But as a whole, to give the opinion on the song as it is and not on the style merits, not only does the synth stuff *not* annoy me, it's actually pretty listenable. On a bad day with nothing else to listen to, I might even call this excellent. 😊

Not bad. Not bad at all.
Review by eliot


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Well, this IS one of the millions Last Ninja 2 remixes. The tune is lifeless, the soul of the original vanished. Music is not just some notes and beats it is primiary an attempt to transfer feelings - Sascha was not able to do it. Next time he should choose the instruments more wisely and arrange with his heart not with his brain.