Quibbler - QuadraSID remix Gerry the Germ (subtune 7)
Track info
Arranged by:
Quibbler Remixer
Original SID:
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Charts position:
291. in the year 2008
4923. in all-time charts
4923. in all-time charts
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Technically this is great reproduced in every detail in FLStudio with QuadraSID - but it's not a REMIX!
Stays faithfull to the original Hubbard sound - over and over and over - as it stretches the two minute long original to almost eleven(! ) minutes. While technically impressive, this QuadraSID remake doesn't offer anything the SID didn't already have.
If those sounds were recreatied with QSID then top grades for effort and technical skill. But as a remix this falls completely flat.
Great effort, but its easier to load up the original sid...
Eugh... Nothing special. Sorry. Missed something interisting in there... Apart from some additional sounds...
It's got the right notes, and the wrong notes, in some sort of strange order. Good idea, poorly excuted.
Long, boring, and not really a remix. Technically impressive, artistically boring.
I Completely agree to the others: technically briliant, but the sid sounds just as good, so the remix offers nothing new..
No remix in my ears. Sounds like a sampled C64-tune.
For a Quadra-SID-fan i´ve been, I liked that sound at first... But I tend to green this time, cause it´s way way way to long for a SID-only tune! You should´ve spend that time in creating a great remix, instead of reproducing.
As the others have said, technically this is a great achievement, but seriously... 11 minutes long - it is too much (and more a remake than remix).
As my predecessors said - Technically top, much to long, no remix.
Waaaay too long
And once again my humble, individual vote... Hrm... I started to love the tune after 9:00. So this is a good lenght (to me), nice improvement!
Too long
Where's the Remix?!
Eurghh there's bum notes all over the place, and its 9 minutes too long... In fact just play the SID its miles better.
It's really impressive what you did with QuadraSID, but it's too damn long! Nice (original) cover.
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