Razmo - Mutants
1453. in all-time charts
Mutants… by Fred Grey… have always been something special for me, but actualy only the beginning of the tune to be honest.
It's that bubbling like sound, giving me at mental picture of bacteria and cells mutating… very moody.
Unfortunately I'm not satisfied with this work, but I had to find a stopping point on this. What I like about my remix is the start… when the melody begins I loose interrest, and I guess it shows a bit. The end is an exeption, which I actualy also like, exept I wish I had spent a bit more time EQ'ing things… it's a bit muddy.
I did my best to finish it though, and it is what it is.
Personaly I don't feel I've made the perfect Mutants remix yet… this is just one try, and maybe I'll try a different style another time. I still miss a more tech-like approach, but the darn melodies in the original makes it almost impossible unless you take it somewhere completely different.
The problem I have with this remix is, that it gets a bit too funky… too happy funky like
, and that's NOT the mood I really wanted… the intro fits, but the rest is just neutral filling
in my opinion, just to get the job done.
A lot of hardware synths was used in this one actually… and all but two has some sort af analog hardware part… oscillators/filters etc.
The machines used was (for those interrested):
Yamaha FS1R (one part of the layered lead sound). This synth is an 8 operator FM synth… the most complicated in existence I believe.
DSI Evolver Desktop (other part of layered lead sound). This is a hybrid synth. digital and analog oscillators and analog filters.
Oberheim Matrix-1000. This does the burbly sequence I like so much in Mutants. An all analog polysynth.
Roland MKS-50. This is the moody lead from the end of the tune. All analog polysynth.
E-MU E5000 Ultra. The vocals and some FX. This is a sampler.
Waldorf Microwave. Some accomp. synth. This is a Wavetable synth with analog filters.
Waldorf Pulse. Bassline. This is an all analog monosynth… almost always use this for bass.
Vermona M.A.R.S. The glittery starlike effect
in the beginning. All Analog monosynth
DSI Tetra. Some distreet pads. All analog polysynth
Roland MKS-30. the Electric Piano sound in the beginning of the tune. All analog polysynth.
KORG ESX-1 SD. Drums. This is a groovesampler, but with tubes output.
Two external hardware FX processors was used for delays and reverb. Lexicon MX400's.
All was mixed in realtime on an analog mixing desk. Mackie ONYX 24.4
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating
A favorite of mine, which has been covered before by others, some good, some excellent, but I really like this particular take on it, a nice progressive synthy style.