Red Devil - Druid II Remix
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Arranged by:
Red Devil Adept
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Charts position:
71. in the year 2001
1862. in all-time charts
1862. in all-time charts
This tune was made for the 10th year anniversary FLT CD in 1997. A really simple fast-made one. Done with CakeWalk 3.0 and Roland SC-88.
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The first 1:20 mins you hear a 1:1 copy of the original song. Not very unique, nah? Things change a bit with the harve in the background. Songs becomes a bit rock-like after 3 minutes, but I dont like the piano. Doesn't fit in here. After 7:20 it's great!
This is great stuff :)
The SID part is a bit long for my taste. But then its great. Well done!!!
Sooo lovely stuff :)
Several tunes in 1! Like a medley! I like most of it, but not the cheesy orchestral part and the pan flute. Always nice when the harp comes into play, though!
Nope, sorry... Sounds like a shopping elevator from the 80's had a child with a C64. ;) (sorry that sounds much harsher than I mean it) :D
The remix itself takes a while to start off; but once it kicks in, you're carried away by its inspired touches and the creative changes that have been made to the original. Awesome indeed!
Review by sledge
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating