Listener's Reviews

all c64 only Amiga only

Displaying Reviews 301 - 330 out of 2421


Boulder Dash - Amusement Park Loudspeaker Remix - arranged by Oxx

Review by LaLa, 26/05/2022

I like the concept behind this track a lot more than its execution. I think you totally nailed the arpeggiated sequences of the intro, superb job there! I wish the EDM style of this tune was more emphasized. It's especially lacking in the low end, both bass and drum-wise. I think the overall arrangement is pretty solid, though. With a bit more attention this would be a big hit on the dance floor.
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Depressed (Tributo Al Pasado) - arranged by Eivind Sommersten

Review by LaLa, 24/05/2022

Great concept, but I am not convinced by the execution of it. Somehow it feels off, but I can't quite explain why.
Artistic skill
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Parallax Mini EP - The Past, Present and Future - arranged by Tim Forsyth

Review by LaLa, 21/05/2022

Tangerine Dream 🍊 does Parallax!

If I didn't know the original SID and somebody told me this is a TD album from the 1980s or early 1990s, I would've said yep, sounds about right. Of course, the younger generation knows this as the soundtrack to Stranger Things, so if you advertised it that way, you'd get a ton of listens from the youth, too. 😁

I absolutely adore the long arpeggiated sequences and how you weaved them into one another. The middle section that pays homage to TD's Exit album brought a big smile to my face, as that's one of my favorite albums from them. Just excellent, excellent work there.

And that last section with the more melodic part - jaw-dropping. The way you build up to it is just amazing. Perfect choice of instruments, total eargasm.

Well, I could keep gushing on and on, but I think you get the idea. Who would've thought that after all these decades I could still be surprised by a Parallax remix? This is an epic work that seamlessly mashes the style of Tangerine Dream with Galway's timeless SID opus and it does that superbly. Su-perb-ly! Congrats! This is top stuff.

PS: One minor gripe: I wish it didn't end on a fadeout. An epic like this deserves a more definitive ending.

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Giana Sisters - Turkish Native Instruments - arranged by Oxx

Review by LaLa, 17/05/2022

Unique mix of synth sounds and Turkish instruments, giving it a folksy feel. I kinda like the idea! It doesn't feel quite polished, though, because the sampled parts and the SID parts alternate and don't really overlap. For example, if the Giana Sisters melody was played on the oud instead, that would get much higher marks from me.

The vocoded stuff: personally, I have nothing against vocoders, but here it feels rather gimmicky, like a radio DJ doing an unnecessary voiceover.

Despite all this, please, do keep experimenting! I really like it when the music of different cultures are mashed together, and this is a promising idea that's worth exploring further.

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Space Harrier (NAPAPBWPMIF Mix) - arranged by Dr Future

Review by 0supereg0, 15/05/2022

Great Track. To me it has a ELO, or Giorgio Moroder quality to it.
Artistic skill
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Commando (mich am Allerwertesten) Remix - arranged by Frank Abbing

Review by PhunkyData, 12/05/2022

Good and to the point remix! No doubt! They want 15 letters… here you go !
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Space Harrier (NAPAPBWPMIF Mix) - arranged by Dr Future

Review by tim_forsyth, 10/05/2022

Your remix is full energy and there’s a nice sense of urgency plus you own those Tom fills. Your guitar playing is fantastic and I love the subtle bits of instrumentation smattered throughout. It’s such a well made remix that 2 things really stick out. The attack on the string lead is a bit too long and if my ears didn’t deceive me, there’s a late snare hit in the middle section. But these are minor things as the overall slight disco vibe is wonderful.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
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RoboCop 3 (Everything you want) - arranged by Eivind Sommersten

Review by LaLa, 07/05/2022

Clever use of various vocal and other samples, the arrangement is very well done. Sounds like a pretty good mix to my ears, too.
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Smile to the Sky - arranged by Rock & JLD

Review by tim_forsyth, 03/05/2022

For me, this is not only the standout remix of 2022, it is perhaps one of the best over the past 5 years or more, or maybe of all time. Whenever I find myself thinking about this tune, I actively look forward to giving it just one more listen. This is not just a testament to how good the original SID, which I discovered thanks to this remix, but because the energy, performance and mix absolutely nails the emotion and uplifting vibe of the original. The lead solo after the 5 minute mark impossibly mimics the astonishing and equally impossible SID solo, there are bass notes and guitars in the mix that appear to have been stolen from the future and at nearly 10 minutes, this remix never loses sight of its origins whilst keeping you engaged. This might be my most listened to remix of all time and for good reason. Astonishing work guys!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
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Prax 2 da Max - arranged by Tim Forsyth & Yogi

Review by neo, 02/05/2022

This track has such a relaxed vibe right from the start with some serious 80s TV series nostalgia sound blended into it. It's very diverse with clearly distinctive sections and energy levels to keep it interesting till the very last second. My personal highlight is the funky lead that kicks in at 1:24, right till the break - no, it's not the end 😉. I enjoyed the added lead section from 2:18 too. And if you weren't convinced yet of its 80s sound, just listen to the echo drums as of 3:06. The small details like at 3:39 and later help to make this one of my personal favorites so far in 2022.
Artistic skill
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Bubble Bobble (Alhoa Honu) - arranged by 0supereg0

Review by LaLa, 02/05/2022

Nice Hawaiian theme! I think the ocarina (?) lead is a bit too low-pitched, so it doesn't sound quite realistic to my ears. OTOH, good use of the Hawaiian lap steel guitar. I think a lot of the standard elements are there in your arrangement, they just don't quite seem to gel together, in fact, at times I think they are literally out of sync with each other. But I do give you plus points for doing a remix in a style that's rarely used here.

(PS: I think it should be spelled Aloha Honu.)

Artistic skill
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R-Type (Ishizaki vs Vaca medley 2022) - arranged by NecroPolo

Review by LaLa, 01/05/2022

SID-metal turned to 11.

Do not attempt at home. Professional musician on closed course here.

(Actually, do attempt! Free experimentation is what SID remixing is all about.)

Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Nemesis-Gradius (Re-Chill Factor 9) - arranged by 0supereg0

Review by LaLa, 01/05/2022

This is clearly a better mix than your previous upload, as evidenced by the increased number of orange smilies. So, good job on the improvements! Yet again, let me stress that musically, your remix is really good: the arrangement is very nice and I really admire your guitar work. You brought the volume down on that lead instrument - good.

But. 😉

But now the volume of your entire mix needs to be brought back up. Either a simple volume boost, and/or a gentle compression setting would help. The mix also sounds a bit muddy, so something needs to be done about the clash of all those low frequencies.

Mixing is a never-ending quest, so don't despair about my comments. I am capable of finding faults even in paradise. 😁

Artistic skill
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Smile to the Sky - arranged by Rock & JLD

Review by Motley/F4CG+StArZ, 25/04/2022

This remix puts an additional feeling to the song. A feeling of hope, that one should never give up when beeing in the darkest of hour.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

The Curse (I'll be around) - arranged by Eivind Sommersten

Review by P.G.G., 21/04/2022

Perfect Nostalgia.An old master shows own skills once again.Female voice is just boosting atmosphere.Good job.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Commando High-Score Live Performance - arranged by Tony Fluke73 Wiren

Review by Oxx, 19/04/2022

Injects calmness into your brain, very relaxing and easy to listen. The guitar sounds very good, whatever synth it is, it rocks. For the Sax, though, I cannot say the same. Some instruments can just not be emulated to the point that they pass the TURING test I guess. 😊 I liked this remix, especially the harmony of the instruments, an easy accompaniment, soft percussions etc. For me, this work shows that you can achieve a good, likeable, can-be-listened-to-at-any-time musical outcome with just a few tracks. There is no nostalgia factor I have to admit, or I could not hear it. On the other hand, I can't think of how to add it into this remix. No big deal for me. I vote very good for the technique, for the selection and harmony of instruments. I'd love to read the story and the background of making this.
Artistic skill
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Test Drive 2 - The Duel (Remix by Oxx) - arranged by Oxx

Review by LaLa, 15/04/2022

Very unique in style, let's call this electropop. It's quirky, it's robotic, it's - great! To my ears the mix is missing some final touches (little reverb, little delay), but that's just me nitpicking. Hugely enjoyable even after multiple listens.
Artistic skill
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Test Drive 2 - The Duel (Remix by Oxx) - arranged by Oxx

Review by ozgulkagan, 14/04/2022

Reminds me of the old days. One of the best of C64. What an era that was. Thank you.
Artistic skill
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Enduro Racer (Rocking Rider Mix) - arranged by 0supereg0

Review by Oxx, 14/04/2022

Not being at a proficiency level to evalaute others' work, I still wanted to share some thoughts; The battery sounds perfect, while the bell voice is a bit overwhelming to my liking. The electro guitar is perfectly played, Is it live? Even though I don't listen to this genre, I can feel that this is a good example of a high quality, well mastered piece of work, WELL DONE.
Artistic skill
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Overall rating

Ace II Title Screen - arranged by Oxx

Review by DMC, 11/04/2022

Welcome to the remix scene, Oxx. You delivered a great start with a classic tune by Rob Hubbard. Your attempt of remixing Ace II really is a good one. I love the choice of sounds - especially that choir sound reminds me of Enjoy the silence by Depeche Mode which is a good thing! 😊 I just stumbled upon the T-Force Alpha VST a few weeks back and wondered what sounds it may be capable of. Now I know! 😊 The track lacks a bit of punchyness for this genre but doesn't sound terrible at all. It's just that little oomph that is missing. Maybe if you tinker around a bit with compression and eq'ing your mix will benefit from that in the future. I encourage you to keep on remixing - I really had fun listening to your first track here on RKO and hope there is lots more to come!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

The Great Giana Sisters - arranged by Johan Andersson

Review by DMC, 11/04/2022

You need balls to put up remix number 87 to compete with the 86 already existing remixes and sometimes exactly those balls lead to good things like this. Kudos Johan. Well done remix of a well known classic tune. I was suprised because I actually expected a totally different style from Mr. Andersson! 😉 I love the structure of the whole track starting with the piano part and then fading into the guitar solo towards the end. Everything fits together nicely giving me a real good time listening. I am with LaLa on the distortion - sometimes the track sounds a little bit too hot (thought I heard the kick distort every now an then) but nothing too serious. Really well done. Please more surprises in the future! 😊
Artistic skill
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Human Race Tune 4 Live Performance - arranged by Tony Fluke73 Wiren

Review by LaLa, 10/04/2022

Wow, I see that Tony is one of those rare people in the world who can use their third hand when playing live on a keyboard! 😁 (See video insert.)

A decent remix of this oft-remixed tune. Nothing to be overly excited about here, but it's a solid arrangement with a decent choice of instrumentation.

Artistic skill
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Overall rating

Ace II Title Screen - arranged by Oxx

Review by LaLa, 10/04/2022

Welcome to the remix community, Oxx!

I have to admit, I had to do a double-take on your remixer status after I listened to this remix - this is by a newcomer? It's really good! I like the minimalist electro-drums, the vocal style chord hits, all the ornaments of the lead - all sounds great! The arrangement might be on the simple side, but it's done very well. The final mix sounds a bit too dry to my ears, but considering the genre, even that seems appropriate.

I hope to hear more remixes from you in the future, whether in this style or in another!

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Overall rating

Nemesis-Gradius (Chill Factor 9) - arranged by 0supereg0

Review by LaLa, 09/04/2022

The lead instrument in the first half is way too dominating, the rest of the instruments are barely audible. The balance is much better when the guitar takes over, in fact, those parts sound very promising. Overall, an interesting idea, nice arrangement, but the mixing needs to be improved upon.
Artistic skill
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Cauldron 2 - arranged by Makke

Review by Beaumagi, 09/04/2022

Great mix, great beat! Love the Korg voice effect! Thank you and keep up the good work!
Artistic skill
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The Great Giana Sisters - arranged by Johan Andersson

Review by LaLa, 07/04/2022

The mixing sounds way too 'hot' in this one to me. Especially in the high-ends I am hearing some distortion. I had to bring the volume down to 1/3d of what I usually listen to in order to make this sound better in my headphones. The mixing is bad enough that it brought down my final vote a notch.

Stylistically, not what I expected from Johan - which is great, I like surprises! But I wish the noodling on the lead guitar towards the end was present in earlier sections of the remix, too, because that's a real highlight in this piece. I like your use of piano in the arrangement, too. And all the ear-candy you snuck into it here and there.

Overall, a great remix ruined by so-so mixing.

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Prax 2 da Max - arranged by Tim Forsyth & Yogi

Review by MOhotSHT, 06/04/2022

Sounds good on my stereo. Keep up the good work guys. Looking forward for more tunes
Artistic skill
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Prax 2 da Max - arranged by Tim Forsyth & Yogi

Review by Oxx, 06/04/2022

I especially liked the lead instrument starting from 03:08. It is very enjoyable to listen, great work.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
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Rambo III - arranged by Dr Future

Review by Oxx, 04/04/2022

Very well made, with nostalgic arpeggios all around! I liked it despite not being into this genre much.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Out Run (Pool Party) - arranged by Rexy

Review by exocytosis, 03/04/2022

Of the dozen, or so, Out Run covers that currently sit on Remix64/, Rexy's take is one of the most fast paced, up-beat and technically balanced versions out there. True to its original, Out Run (Pool Party) flies over the slopes in a way that almost makes you feel the wind pressing against your face. It's a five minute long speed fest in the higher octaves with a few technical surprises that should make any true Out Run fan clap their hands with joy!
Artistic skill
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