Listener's Reviews

all c64 only Amiga only

Displaying Reviews 511 - 540 out of 2421


Way of the Exploding Fist (In Game music) - arranged by JB Xplodingfist

Review by tim_forsyth, 28/01/2021

I liked the synth patches you've used, which I thought gave it a strong start, but I was hoping this would take me on a journey somewhere. I think it needed to either build up to the drum section or settle into a groove using some more instrumentation / rhythm in the background.
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Human Race (Welcome To Goldrunner) - arranged by The St. Albans Rob Hubbard Fan Club

Review by tim_forsyth, 26/01/2021

what you have here is a prototype for an amazing live performance. Fantastic arrangement, hitting the right notes and vowels in the right spots. Amazing.
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Way of the Exploding Fist (In Game music) - arranged by JB Xplodingfist

Review by LaLa, 25/01/2021

Starts out with a simple intro - but unfortunately it also continues the same 'simple' theme for the rest of the tune. There's nothing wrong with simple, but you should've injected more dynamics, more 'emotion' into the individual instruments. Shows promise, though, so I'd encourage you to keep trying with more remixes!
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Magic Johnsons Basketball - arranged by LPChip

Review by VᒪIᑎᗪEᖇ_⊘7, 24/01/2021

This tune has such a great vibe, just got to love it. Definately one of my faves 😊
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Cauldron 2 - arranged by Makke

Review by DMC, 24/01/2021

When I first heard this track I thought: Wow, what type of vocoder is this (because this thing has a special sound to it that I never heard before)? I never figured it out but every time I listend to the track, the same question came to my mind: What vocoder did he use. Today is the day I was waiting for so long. You revealed it to the public (Ok, I could've asked you, but I never did) 😉 Sadly, the plugin isn't available anymore.😒 The whole track is full of Kraftwerk related blips and blops and this is a good thing. Everything sits well and tight in the mix and sounds marvellous (but it already did with the first released album version). Thanks for releasing it on RKO. I'm looking forward to the next releases from It's binary, baby! .
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Knucklebusters (Cinematic 64) - arranged by Slaygon

Review by LaLa, 23/01/2021

One of my favorites from the album! Knucklebusters the way only Slaygon could cover it. Add the phenomenal guitar-shredding of Vaggelis to mix and you've got a total mind-bender. Sixteen minutes of frenzy compressed to five minutes. TOP-NOTCH!
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Human Race (Welcome To Goldrunner) - arranged by The St. Albans Rob Hubbard Fan Club

Review by LaLa, 22/01/2021

I like the concept a lot, but unfortunately, the choirs sound a bit too artificial - due to lack of legatos, mostly. The arrangement is phenomenal, it's a good idea, but more time should've been spent to make the choirs sound more natural, especially since they are the focal point of this remix. PS: What a FANTASTIC story about your experience with Mr. Hubbard! Thanks for sharing!
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Parallax (title screen tune) - arranged by Steve Collins

Review by Claus, 21/01/2021

Originality: The first part is veeery close to the original, but it becomes more interesting when the drums start. Nevertheless, I think I miss some freshness here, it is just a pretty close remake. 2/5 - Embracement: Very easy to recognize, it just doesn’t fully keep up with the original. 4/5 - Arrangement: The sounds are generally comparably close to the original sounds, but unfortunately in many cases a bit lacking compared to that. Martin Galway did an excellent job with the pitch bends and vibratos, it is really difficult to improve or even match that. While the drums are a nice addition, they are too repetitive for my taste. The voice samples are nice! 3/5 - Performance: Not a lot to complain here, but the pitch bends sound a bit too exaggerated sometimes. 4/5 - Mix: The mix is not bad, but sometimes the lead synths pop out a bit too much for my taste. The panning seems a bit funky at times and I do not like the chosen reverb. 3/5 - Mastering: It lacks a bit of punch and I would agree with LaLa that it is overall a bit harsh. I think mostly because there is simply not enough bass, and because of the loud leads. 4/5 - Overall: 3. 17
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Six Hours (Hardstyle Remix) - arranged by JLD

Review by Claus, 21/01/2021

Originality (30% weight, part of artistic skill): While this is a solid remix, I think it lacks creativity a bit. The original is already kind of screaming hardstyle. The remix improves the instruments obviously, but hardly adds anything new to it. 2/5 - Embracement (30% weight, nostalgia): It is kind of a Hifi-Version of the original, so I think embracement is excellent! 5/5 - Arrangement (14% weight, part of artistic skill): The arrangement is good, the sounds really fit the genre well, and there is a lot of interesting variations going on sound-wise. 5/5 - Performance (14% weight, part of artistic skill): Excellent performance, nothing to complain about (no wonder, as everything is programmed). 5/5 - Mix (9% weight, part of technique): The mix sounds very professional, although I think the Bassdrum is a bit too prominent (even taking the genre into account). 4/5 - Mastering (3% weight, part of technique): Pretty well mastered, it only lacks a bit of the fatness and deepest frequencies for the dance floor. 4/5 - Overall: 3. 98
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Cauldron 2 - arranged by Makke

Review by Claus, 21/01/2021

Originality (30% weight, part of artistic skill): How fresh and creative is the remix? Definitely a fresh take on the original, which is very short and simple. Lots of creativity went into this, an absolutely great interpretation. 5/5 - Embracement (30% weight, nostalgia): How well does the remix represent the original? Now that’s a tricky one, as the original is so short. It picks up all of the signature parts, but I think it is not easy to realise on which original it is based. The general feeling is well preserved though. 4/5 - Arrangement (14% weight, part of artistic skill): How fitting and elaborate is the choice of instruments for the chosen style? Awesome! Some sounds are a bit 2005ish, but hey, who cares! 5/5 - Performance (14% weight, part of artistic skill): How well are the instruments played? How good is the timing, tuning, groove etc.? Excellent performance, nothing to complain about (no wonder, as most of it is programmed). 5/5 - Mix (9% weight, part of technique): Is the volume balanced well between the instruments? Are EQ, compression and effects applied appropriately? Excellent mix, you can clearly hear that this was done by a professional. 5/5 - Mastering (3% weight, part of technique): Does it sound well-rounded and professional overall? Are master bus processing and the overall spectral balance ok? Excellently mastered, again clearly audibly done by a pro. 5/5 - Overall: 4. 70
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Ocean Loader 5 (Dunn Rockin') - arranged by Underphil

Review by Claus, 21/01/2021

Hey, my first review! I spent quite a bit of time on thinking of a framework that hopefully helps remixers to understand how I vote, and helps myself to keep objective in the future - Originality (30% weight, part of artistic skill): How fresh and creative is the remix? I like the Iron Maiden style and I am not aware of other remixes that would have done that before, although it does not seem a very unexpected interpretation. The bass guitar and china/doublebass interludes keep the track interesting, although some more changes in instrumentation would have improved that even further. The remix is not really adding new surprising elements, which in my mind is required for a top score here (although it might reduce the embracement then 😊) 3/5 - Embracement (30% weight, nostalgia): How well does the remix represent the original? The original is immediately recognisable. The kind of hypnotic/repetitive feeling of the original is well preserved. Nice, I could hardly imagine how to improve that! 5/5 - Arrangement (14% weight, part of artistic skill): How fitting and elaborate is the choice of instruments for the chosen style? This is a bit of an easy win here, as rock music rarely profits from elaborate arrangements. The choice of sounds is good. I will nevertheless reduce the score by one, as some more sounds would have made the track a tad more interesting (as mentioned under originality). 4/5 - Performance (14% weight, part of artistic skill): How well are the instruments played? How good is the timing, tuning, groove etc.? That is bit of a difficult win here 😉, as rock music really depends on tight guitar playing. Not that the guitars are not well played, but compared to commercial productions there is quite some gap here. The drums seem to be programmed (I guess), and sound a bit uninteresting to me (coming from a drumming background). Tuning is fine. 3/5 - Mix (9% weight, part of technique): Is the volume balanced well between the instruments? Are EQ, compression and effects applied appropriately? Contrary to LaLa, I think the balance of the instruments is perfectly fine. EQ seems fine overall and effects are chosen well and do not overwhelm the sound. Again, the drums could need some more care. Still, a really nice mix! 4/5 - Mastering (3% weight, part of technique): Does it sound well-rounded and professional overall? Are master bus processing and the overall spectral balance ok? Overall spectral balance is ok, I guess a bit more shine could help. Fatness, argh that’s a hard one. The loudness war is over, nevertheless the track might profit from some more fatness. It’s good, but not commercially good, so I give it a 4/5 - Overall: 3. 86
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Tomcat - Galata RemixX - arranged by Phrygian

Review by trapdoor, 16/01/2021

I like the Middle Eastern instruments. Soundtrack gaines ethnicity with nostalgic vibes. Peace & Respect for artist!
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Tomcat - Galata Remix - arranged by Phrygian offline

Review by trapdoor, 14/01/2021

i like it. it's really good and simple remix. btw Tomcat is one of my favourite c64 game
Artistic skill
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The Last V8 (Locked Down Remix) - arranged by Graeme Slapp

Review by lee.oades, 08/01/2021

It's like The Last V8 as done by J M Jarre. I really liked it.
Artistic skill
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Parallax (title screen tune) - arranged by Steve Collins

Review by LaLa, 03/01/2021

While I totally respect that this remix covers the entire ~11 min of the original SID, I find the overall timbre of this remix a bit too harsh for my ears. Whether that's down to the choice of instruments or to the final mix, I do not know, but I think this remix would've benefited from a low-pass filter.
Artistic skill
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Cauldron 2 - arranged by Makke

Review by LaLa, 02/01/2021

A fantastic track from Makke's 2005 album 'It's Binary, Baby! ' As expected from a professional album, a professional track. Innovative mix of Kraftwerk (from 'Radioactivity') and Richard Joseph's classic SID.

PS: Now that I've listened to Karl Bartos' I'm The Message again, the resemblance is pretty obvious. Well done, Makke!
Artistic skill
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Tomcat - arranged by Falco Paul offline

Review by LaLa, 01/01/2021

A rather lifeless arrangement, I'm afraid. The instrument selection is eclectic at best, mixing is almost non-existent, the samples (fighter pilot comm, plane flyby) are passable.
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Oblique (Hoax me once, shame on you...) - arranged by Slaygon

Review by Poke16384, 24/12/2020

No. 6 in the AROK/SLAY Summer competition and deservedly so. This is a complex SID to capture in terms of it's tricky arrangement and it's subtle eastern vibes. It manages to do both whilst taking the listener on Slaygon's own unique journey but never quite straying too far from the original. A truly 'different' kind of listen from the norm, here on Remix64. Well mixed & mastered too.
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Monty on the Run (high score revisited) - arranged by Johan Andersson

Review by LaLa, 23/12/2020

If this doesn't get you up and dancing, nothing will! Really good idea to match the melody with a classic rock'n'roll groove.
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Turrican 1 - arranged by Dr Future

Review by LaLa, 23/12/2020

Lovely production with delicate touches all around. The lead guitar sounds a bit too artificial to me, but it's not too distracting from the overall arrangement. I wish this remix was longer - it fades out too early!
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Artillery (Tyrell orchestral fusion - RKO edit) - arranged by ziona

Review by LaLa, 22/12/2020

No wonder this won SLAY Radio's Árok Tribute Remix compo in 2020! An absolutely stunning piece done in a duet format where the synthy parts are answered by string-heavy sections and vice versa. That melody line is what really catches me out every time - it's full of emotional subtlety, so delicate, yet, so powerful. The instrument selection, the arrangement, the mixing - all as close to perfection as they can get. Top-notch production all around!
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Ocean Loader 3 (21st Century SID Remix) - arranged by Peter Clarke

Review by Tomsk, 21/12/2020

I actually prefer this punchy synth version of the two… it's crisp and clean, and feels modern and yet retro, and you can't argue with the sound of the SID chip. Great inclusion, well mixed. Sometimes even an orchestra can't compete with the beautiful sounds the original SID produces!
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Mission of Mercy (Film Score) - arranged by Peter Clarke

Review by Tomsk, 21/12/2020

Outstanding… full of movie score atmosphere… probably my fav Peter Clarke remix.. having never heard the original I still found myself drawn into the arrangement as it changes pace and goes off in many different directions. Some great choices of unusual instruments really give the tune character, my only critique being the abrupt ending.
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Last Ninja 2 Central Park Ten Years Later - arranged by JPH

Review by LaLa, 20/12/2020

First of all: welcome back to RKO! Second: this is a much improved remix over your last one from 10 years ago. This is more guitar-heavy (that's a positive, because you are really good playing them) and the mix is nicely balanced, too. Two issues: a) that piano break at around 2:15 sounds dissonant, and b) It ends way too abruptly. You should've at least let the reverb ring out to completion. All in all, this is a much more enjoyable version of LN2, and I hope to hear more from you!
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Midnight Resistance - Stage 9 Remix - arranged by Phekkis

Review by symbols, 20/12/2020

I think this is a pretty accurate rendition 1:1 with the extra bits, good drums etc!
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Rastan - arranged by Glyn R Brown

Review by Hakk, 20/12/2020

Hard to believe this is taken from an 8 bit tune from 30 years ago. Quality!
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Duchesse (not so big band mix) - arranged by Eivind Sommersten

Review by Poke16384, 18/12/2020

Let's get the negative out of the way first. The only thing that lets this remix down is the quality of the instrument samples. The sound immediately put me in mind of an Amiga Mod and it's a shame because there's not a lot else that's wrong here. It's funky and tight from an arrangement point of view and there are some very good ideas which are explored in this arrangement. The samples, although they're not the best, are used really, really well in expressing an otherwise convincing 70's funk tune. I think your arrangement shows growth from some of your previous remixes, Eivind and it makes me want to hear the next remix. I could pick things in the arrangement that could have been done differently but overall this is a solid arrangement which is only let down by instrument quality. I like this remix a lot.
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Duchesse (not so big band mix) - arranged by Eivind Sommersten

Review by LaLa, 16/12/2020

First of all, kudos for picking a SID tune nobody has remixed before! The basic concept behind this remix is really good, the choice of instruments is fitting, too, but the arrangement is somewhat thin. It's like you were afraid to layer instruments on top of each other. The bass, the trumpets, the vocals, everything sounds great individually. The few times they all sound together is where this remix really shines, but I wish there was more meat on this groove. The vocals sound very nice, too, but again, they are not backed by a worthy accompaniment. For a good example of what should be done listen to Uncle & The Bacon's body of work (on RKO and on their albums) - I'm sure everything he (they?) uses are all virtual instruments, too, but packaged and arranged in a much more convincing fashion.
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Boulder Dash (Jamrock Dash) - arranged by Makke

Review by MatrixRevolution, 13/12/2020

Good boy! The original piece is so ugly that making it look good requires a lot of craftsmanship!
Artistic skill
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Comic Bakery (Broken Bakery Remix) - arranged by Ziphoid

Review by LaLa, 12/12/2020

Ziphoid published this remix in 2008 on the 'Syntax Era' album - I liked it back then, and I still like it now, 12 years later! The intro is a spot-on recreation of Broken Wings - after which the appearance of the Comic Bakery melody line feels tacked on. But this remix gets better as it goes on and it gives you that unmistakable slow tempo 80s ballad feel throughout. Especially noteworthy in this tune is the delicate guitar work of Magnus Högdahl, which lends a lot of authenticity to it.
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