Listener's Reviews

all c64 only Amiga only

Displaying Reviews 1291 - 1320 out of 2421


Thanatos (Drachensaat Mix) - arranged by Voidshaper

Review by flotsam, 10/10/2005

Oh, what an excellent remake of a real classic (at least for me…). I was really sceptical about this one with the original being such a beautiful and fragile song, but you've nailed it almost perfectly. Yes, almost… there's a couple of things I'd change on the sound and the arrangement, but that's of course just a matter of opinion. Very good work, thank you for this!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Spellbound (Remiximus) - arranged by deVilhoOD

Review by winc, 08/10/2005

Wow… I didn't like the original SID and must say you totally blew me away with this remix. The original tune is there, even the original feel, but you just do so much with the instruments and the mix!

The introduction is… perfect! A great way to start this piece, and moving it from a typical 4/4 drum beat into the march feel was very well done! The only thing about the intro I would have liked a little more was a slighty long cymbal draw, it feels to… rushed. The addition of the thunder was… well done.

Sometimes there is a instrument or two which seem to have just "popped" out of nowhere feeling like it is a "mistake". A perfect example if what sounds like a flute off the left channel, which happens to pop up. 29seconds, . 40seconds, and 1. 39secds - and a few times through out the piece.

The only other thing I would have probably added to the introduction to just add something more to the overall impressive feel would have been a little more to the strings - just playing the chords left it slighty empty where it is begging for some high pitch strings to bring you into the piece. A few 7ths and sust2nds would have helped in my opinion.

Overall this piece shows a lot of really great work, and bar the few areas where our "technical" differences appear, this is a piece of work that really honors and improves upon the original.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Lord of the Rings - arranged by Markus Schneider

Review by winc, 08/10/2005

The piece starts of really wonderfully, however is damaged by clicks in the tracks which shouldn't be there - I'm not sure if it is Strings you are using or just a bad compression of the mix. The problem is these clicks go through the whole piece, and do bring the overall enjoyment of this piece down a lot.

I feel that you're watched Lord of the Rings a lot! This certainly has a feel of the movies more so than the original piece. Now not saying that is a bad thing, since the original piece is very boring and you have taken it and made it into a epic intro to what could be a great story.

If you were after a theme music style of the type like Conan and Lord of the Rings Movies you have certainly done that in spades, and if there wasn't those nasty clicks and pops in the track it would certainly be in my "movie soundtrack" listening group.

The only other thing that I feel decreases my overall score of this is some of the instruments you used needed something more to them to make them more "Believable". Many of the brass have that On/Off feel to it you get with Synth's, and this could have been improved by adding more effects to each of the notes to make them feel different to each other (then just volume and pitch)

Having heard your pieces before, I feel in this one you could have done a lot better, and a rushed feel to the mastering of this piece hurts it. But, the technical knowledge you have in mixing an orchestral piece is beyond reproach and certainly shows in this remix. If there was a real orchestra playing this, it would be near on perfect!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Rupert and the ice castle (Latin Wonderland mix) - arranged by Chronberg

Review by winc, 08/10/2005

This certainly far outdoes the original piece - this remix has a really mellow feel to it which just is prefect for this piece. The mixture of the instruments and the whole arrangement of the piece is just great.

I love the piano playing - well done and very nice addition to the whole piece.

If there was anything to say that I didn't like was in fact the ending - it felt too "quick" and screamed for a repeat of the piano to come back for its last show, and then to fade out from there - or ending with the piano included. In the way you ended it… I felt like you had almost cut it off and left me wanting more.

Overall however a wonderfully nice remix of what I thought was a very boring original SID - great work!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

1942 (Orchestral) - arranged by Miguel F Ettema

Review by winc, 08/10/2005


This remake of a classic c64 game (if not a classic arcade game!) is just perfect! You are left with the feeling of… why has it taken so long to hear something like this?!

You feel that you need to have a band play this, and if it wasn't for the "synth" feel to some of the instruments used, this would be a winner at any matching band competation.

The part where the flute takes over by itself was one of my favourite points, and the mixing of the whole track is well done, almost nothing to fault there as you can hear all the tracks well (and boy it sounds great on headphones!) In fact the only thing I can fault is the way some of the tracks sound "synth" and that is a very hard one to prevent especially if you are using synth's.

Overall a great classical piece that really does the original honour!

I certainly can't wait to hear your next piece!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Game Over - arranged by Westerling

Review by winc, 08/10/2005

Okay -… I hated the original track for this sid - I just found it really wasn't put together right, and in essence felt there was always something missing. Also it sounded like so many other tunes of this period where people tried to do something with the C64 that shouldn't be done (pretend it was a guitar).

Now you have done what I believe the original artist wanted. This piece has a great guitar feel to it, and certainly you pull off what the original SID doesn't. The mix you do here is really smooth in most of the places, then you do hit a "break in 2. 45" where I feel… well it just seems to have lost that "real" feel to it and has gone very "fake". I certainly feel it weakened the piece over all. I just feel that maybe there was a better way to pull this break off, in a way that kept it mixed together with the original start.

But in saying that, your start just really makes up for this songs weak poiints - it is well played, well put together and well mixed. If you ever plan on doing a rearrangement of this piece, improving the end would in my opinion make this one of the better rock remixes of the year.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Heartland (Tranciano remix) - arranged by Chronberg

Review by winc, 08/10/2005

This is one of those pieces that you just keep going back to listen to over and over (so far 10 counts of playing in a row!) and the reason for that is a "feel good" feeling you get when listening to it - the instruments and voices used in the piece, along with really great piano playing in parts just keeps you wanting to listening to it.

It is not really "techno" while has a feel of it - meaning that in this remix there is more than just a techno remix of the original. This has some really fun parts in it that make you smile, and others that just make you want to drift off and follow where the creator wants.

A really nice piece which certainly improves on the original in my opinion.

There are parts in the song where I feel the bass, and the piano could do with a little boost in volume, because the drums and mixing can drown them out - but over all the tehcnical production of this piece is great!

Over all a OUTSTANDING piece!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Cauldron (Hexenkche Walpurgisnacht HardTance Mix) - arranged by DJ Mitch

Review by winc, 08/10/2005

Personally I found the original SID of this piece kinda boring - it was the same tune over and over and really unless you are playing a game that gets repeative very quickly.

Now I also am not a great techno fan, but this was just a neat little piece that takes the original song and… does something interesting with it.

I know a few people feel that techno is the "cheats way out of doing a remix" I on the other hand take each piece as a extension of the creators interest in the piece. This techno remake of the original in fact improves on a very boring original piece in my opinion.

The only argument I could have about this remix is it does run into the same problem that the original does - the original tune by itself just isn't enough to grasp hold of someone's attention long enough - there needed to be… "more" a break even created totally from scarch and added to improve the over all piece because after about 6 minutes of this tune… you start to wish the Witch just killed everyone

But overall a good remix of the original -
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

International Karate - arranged by Axes Denied

Review by winc, 08/10/2005

Okay at first I honestly didn't like this piece - it just felt too "alien" to the original C64 master piece, it didn't "feel" right. But then by 40 seconds into the piece where our chorus starts I warmed suddenly, and then something I have waited to hear forever in this piece happened at 46seconds - just that guitar playing harmony in the background… Well that was it, when that happened this piece held a special place for me.

The tone of this piece is a lot different to most other remixes I have heard, and while it isn't as good as some in technical excellence (some of the mixing needs some work as some instruments are either too harsh or lost in the mix), it certainly holds itself together as a interesting and very fun run through someone else's take on the original music.

The "funk" feel later on was… very daring - in fact I almost didn't think it would be able to be pulled off, but the musician did in fact make it really interesting, and the smooth mix from funk through to the rock again was very well done. This is one musician who certainly knows how to technical move through the genres well as I have seen with others of his work.

I still feel this piece however misses out on that Nostalgic feeling because he does take the piece way off from the original one in my opinion. But overall the technical power of the changing genres and feels, and artistic skills present certainly make this piece a worth while and fun listen.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Bubble Bobble - arranged by Axes Denied

Review by winc, 08/10/2005

Bubble Booble in my opinion is probably one of the hardest songs to really make into something "serious" it has a tune which is… well… just too "cute" to make into something like rock, or jazz… but I have seen some very good attempts in the past.

This song certainly has the making of one of the better ones - though I feel it has some technical issues where certain things just don't "fit" with the way it starts. The singing for example in this song in my opinion hurt the song more then if he had used another instrument or even continued to use the guitars. And the "hey" part in the song felt… like it just took the song back into the "silly" realm again - while before and even after that the guitar piece was outstanding.

Overall the piece was well put together for rock from a… well "cute" song. With some of the technical issues dealt with I felt this could have been a great 90% plus piece.

Remember of course that these are my opinions

Either way - great work and certainly this song is a great listen…
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

The Recovery - arranged by Glyn R Brown

Review by winc, 08/10/2005

Lars Huff has been one of my favourite commodore 64 musicians for a long time now, and I feel that not many people know how to really capture what I think Lars does in his original pieces. Then along comes Glyn with a remake of probably one of my most favourite pieces of Lars.

Now Glyn takes his own take on the main theme of the original piece, and makes it certainly his own with this remake. Something that really shows in here is that Glyn probably has a big Mike Oldfield collection (or he better have if he hasn't! :P) because there is that "MASSIVE" feel to this piece you get when listening to the likes of Mike Oldfiend.

Overall there are few remakes that I really feel honored to have listened to, and that the author took the time to create. This would be now in that top ten of music that I will listen to almost every day!

Thank you for sharing your vision of this already lovely piece - you did it justice!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Zoids - arranged by o2

Review by snorbaard, 07/10/2005

I found this remix a few years ago on the internet, and have always kept it in whatever my play-of-the-year is, always rated tops.
Although I missed Zoids the Game, I was a huge C64 fan in the early 90's, ending up owning three, and the SID chip awed me from the beginning, and still does.
o2's remix of Zoids has the unerring ability to make me nostalgic for the 'good old days'. For the emotional quotient that this song has, I must rate it tops.
Thanks o2.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Eagles - arranged by Hazel

Review by plokolp, 27/09/2005

This is one of my favourite tunes. I love the low and growly bass, especially when it's thumping in my car. The speakers almost give out! Great thump thump stuff.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Ultima IV - The Complete - arranged by chosc

Review by artemis, 27/09/2005

This sound reminds me of the middle-ages, like mystic
times. It is a good combination of modern sound and
taste of a mystic world, where not everybody has access
to or possibility to reach.
Good job, chosc! Go on, living your intuiton and deep
feelings inside! All the best!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

(The World Needs Another) Comic Bakery - arranged by 7an

Review by suso, 26/09/2005

Not too bad. I imagine that a lot of people are going to call this one out for the sample quality, but I think that in a way it makes it sound a bit more retro and puts you in a listening environment.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Lightforce 2002 - arranged by Allister Brimble

Review by Dr-Duke, 11/09/2005

Since the release of 'Alien Breed' in 1991 on the Amiga, I was astonished and fascinated about that piece of work Allister Brimble had delivered there. And about how deep and lovely a tune could come to.
Just to mention: I'm a child of the very first days of Atari2600, C64 and Atari800XL. Although these days, I never played 'Lightforce'… on not any system.

Today, a few weeks ago, I heard Brimble's remake of that game music (and of course the "good old. sid", to get a compare) and instantly felt in love with it. It is, indeed, a modern remix. Still electronic, still fast and still none sort of a "chartz-like-one" you can hear all the fu****g day on your Radio… It's strictly bound to the rythmn of the original, but with more love. More love, for the old times. More in-depth. Where the music more touched your sense, your soul, than your money-bag. I think it is made with love… somehow.

But… to come to a conclusion:
If you like harmonic (Jean Michel Jarre) and rythmic tunes in a modern, fast and trancey good old way, this one is definately one you should hear!

Yet, still, I get a bumpy condition of my skin, when listening to this awesome track…

Thank you, Allister Brimble!! Thank you!!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

The Recovery - arranged by Glyn R Brown

Review by pricer, 10/09/2005

I found myself in a fortunate position of not knowing this SID, so my first impression was based on Glyn's effort alone. The quality of the sounds and mix are without doubt first class, nice reverb (not over done as in so many cases), nice use of piano and guitar for lead. The flow makes you feel that you're never sure whats next but gels perfectly. I have since listened to the SID and Glyn has once again taken the right bits out not to loose all of the spirit. It was rather strange though to listen to one of Glyns pieces and not hear a single orchestral hit!! A very nice piece.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Trivia Ultimate Challenge - Kitsch mix - arranged by Chronberg

Review by Nada, 07/09/2005

This is nice! Nice trumpet sound, walking bass etc. It stands between seriousness and hilarity! My only objection is that I would prefer real swinging drums (loads of ride cymbals and beats 2 and 4 to be the dominant ones instead of the usual 1 and 3 rock beat). I like it a lot though, I'll include it in my "Incredibly Strange Music" collection!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Mask III - Venom Strikes Back (20Hz Mix) - arranged by Zuckerfrei

Review by Nada, 07/09/2005

This is very nicely executed. I really like the organ! The ending has to be refined a bit, maybe last longer? Nice work, in general.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Firelord (Industrial Green Beret Mix) - arranged by Mika Ruottinen offline

Review by vassago, 03/09/2005

Argh?! … Mixing up a lovely tune like firelord with a few green baret sounds made me want to rip my ears off. Dont do it again, pwease.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Warhawk (o2 mix) - arranged by o2

Review by dulmerlucsly, 02/09/2005

I think the bassline is a mix between Jarre's Magnetic Fields I and Equinoxe V - VII.
For me it's an outstanding tune, that enfolds his power in the rise of the mood.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

The house Jack built (Ping-Pong version) - arranged by Chronberg

Review by boessu, 29/08/2005

This one is a MUST for all techno lovers. However, for my opinion, Heartland is for me the perfect song from Chronblom as artist and it must be hard to have the own limit that high. 😉
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Katakis Spezial mix - arranged by Sub Sonic

Review by botus, 23/08/2005

It's great for me Maybe because i know nothing about original. But some parts are really cool! So it's good enough to have
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Mission AD - arranged by Robert Mansfield

Review by nettuno, 23/08/2005

I am so happy: there Is someone who can write good symponic music. Only one thing: the first chord of the first beat of gameplay theme Is major instead minor. That sound strange… not bad, but strange. Good job!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Lightforce 2004 - arranged by Darren Lambourne

Review by stell, 17/08/2005

Oh my God! It's drop-dead gorgeous! This is shure a Remix, but i would rather call it "The Lightforce Mass". Maybe the best Remix i've heard so far. Just listen from 2:48 till… ugh, just listen! The violins are giving me the creeps! Perfect!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Katakis Trance Mix 2K4 - arranged by Awesome-A

Review by stell, 17/08/2005

There is sadly no Katakis remix out there i really like. So its a nice suprise listening to Awesome-As Remix. The Beginning and the End End are very well done. The main Part is most of the time a little bit 80s Pre-Techno-Pop. But you just have to jump to 2:02 and you are rewarded for your (not existing) patience. There starts one of my favourite Katakis melodies and it is arranged like Chris himself would loved it! Great Stuff on this Part! Besides that nice work.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Rolands Ratrace (The quest for Jarre) - arranged by Traxer

Review by xgener8or, 05/08/2005

I like the Jarre'ing. Nice sounds and a cool piece. I like the style and the 80's synth feel. I am unfamiliar with the original game but I am a fan of Jarre and as such, it's great.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Cybernoid 2 (Pede Cyber Mix) - arranged by DHS

Review by stell, 03/08/2005

This is what i call an uninspired remix. Choosing the Piano for the main Melody was a big Mistake. The almighty MoN Sound in a Olive-Dance Version? Come on, just uninspired.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Thundercats (Nervous Gattuso Edit) - arranged by N-JOY

Review by stell, 03/08/2005

It's a completely waste of time. Why are people putting so much time in creating a tune which sounds like the Ultra-Mainstream-Teckno-Chart-S… tuff!? It's a pain in the arse.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Thundercats - arranged by Sonic Wanderer

Review by stell, 03/08/2005

Hey, it's Thundercats! Great! Well the Beginnig is great. I absolutely love the kettle drums and the start of the track punctuating the "Ooooooo" Chorus. Then the Synthi-Style takes over, which is also fine, but at 1:10 there is this wired whistle thing and the main melody starts… mmpf. I like Erasure, but not in a Thundercats Remix. Softspeech, why not, but please no ABBA chords. 2:25! What's going on?? I'm leaving… going back to the first minute.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

1 2 3 ⋅⋅⋅ 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 ⋅⋅⋅ 79 80 81